The joyous ‘Trump Dance’ sweeps America and the world UPDATED

In the 1990s, I attended a younger colleague’s wedding. My popular music tastes developed during the late 1970s and early 1980s, so the DJ’s rap music left me cold—but none of the other guests, no matter how young, were dancing either. Then, the DJ put on “YMCA,” and the room erupted. It is the ultimate happy dance song.

So, what happens when you combine “YMCA” with Donald Trump’s unique take on the dance? You have a worldwide phenomenon, a joyous ‘Trump Dance’ sensation that sees people visibly celebrate the spontaneous feeling of relief (experienced even by those who can’t admit it) that the dark days of Biden are over and we are on the verge of great and good changes. And yes, people often do the dance acapella (e.g., the athletes), but when there’s music involved, it’s always “YMCA.”

We’re all familiar with that cute little dance Trump does when the music plays at his rallies—it’s the piston-pumping arms and the ever-so-slight, classily restrained hip wiggle. Sometimes, he ends with a golf swing. You can see it in your mind as I read these words, right?

Trump’s been doing the dance for years, but it’s never caught on...until now, when he had the greatest comeback in modern political history and did so as America seemed poised to circle the drain a few more times and then vanish with a giant sucking sound. Suddenly, the Trump Dance is everywhere, especially where people are feeling celebratory, such as after they’ve scored a touchdown or a goal.

Yup. In the NFL, an organization that saw players kneeling for the national anthem in 2020, they’re now celebrating touchdowns and sacks with the Trump dance:

I especially enjoyed the 49ers doing the dance because they operate out of one of the most leftist areas in the whole nation. Now, San Francisco, the Niners’ original home, shifted by 7 points to Trump. As the old hippies sang, “The times they are a’changin’.”

It’s gotten so bad that NFL management, which was fine with the whole BLM and kneeling travesty, is apparently thinking about banning the dance. (UPDATE: The NFL has no objection to the dance.)

It’s not just American field sports, though. In Barnsley, in the UK, when one of the players scored a really gorgeous goal, he and his teammates celebrated with the Trump Dance:

At the UFC, the champion, Jon Jones, not only professed his faith in God and country, but he also did the Trump dance:

Naturally, college kids, both open conservatives and athletes, have embraced the dance:

But honestly, it’s not just the young, it’s everywhere:

There’s even video showing a Chinese groom doing the dance, which the Chinese call “Trump’s battle song.” The people’s support for the dance should be making Xi Jinping very nervous:

As is true for all sweeping fads, this is ephemeral. In a matter of months, weeks, or even days, it’ll be gone. However, what matters is that it’s happening. It signals a moment of shared joy across America and the globe. That global part matters. When America hurts, so does the world. No matter what the Democrats have done to destroy America, it is still the world’s dominant nation.

Trump’s sweeping victory (although with the sigh of relief that the sane among the Democrats must be experiencing) signals a new beginning.

As for me, I will never get tired of the winning, which I expect to see in a secure border, a roaring energy sector, an incredibly robust economy, an end to regional wars, our military focusing on warfare not wokism, our young people free from sexual perversity, and so much more. America will be great again, and an “everyone can do it” dance to the best dance song ever, celebrating the man who will Make American Great Again...well, it says it all, doesn’t it?

Image: X screen grab.

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