Who wants yesterday’s girl?

Kamala Harris played a funny joke on the left. She has, through the last tortuous several months, revealed herself as a sort-of-hippie-cum-beatnik kook who, despite her age, never left (sorry, pun) the ‘60s behind. Any day now she’s going to show up in a tie-dyed t-shirt. The main problem for this, in all seriousness, is that the world has “way” moved on, and the cute missteps of my generation (not Kamala’s!) now just make us (and Kamala) look, in retrospect, like the fumbling, star-struck (see rock ‘n roll) amateurs that we were. We knew nothing of gender change, terrorism, mules, massive voter fraud—just a sampling. Kamala doesn’t really know squat about all that, either—by fits and starts, she’s made that pretty plain in just three months. What a gal!

But guess what? Despite these fondly remembered then-vs-now distinctions (heavy irony there), the left today is what it was two generations ago—just more so.

When Kamala was anointed—oops, certified—in August 2024, much to the surprise of one of the most unpopular presidents in history, Mr. Joe “Send it All to Ukraine” Biden, the left consoled itself about Kamala, we presume, by thinking, with characteristic immaturity, “Well, she’s not what we want, but she’s what we need.”  Hmm….

Turns out, Kamala has royally disappointed her tear-it-down buddies. Since July, she has  changed, giggled, miscued, and murdered her tune so many times that even the oleaginous, once-and-forever virtually stoned lefties are kinda confused. What she said in July-August sounded (try 1960s) like what her Marxist academic dad might have parroted in his glory days.

But today? Hold the phone (or the smuggled earpiece)!  Now Kammie’s running a rap, albeit with frequent accent changes, like she’s trying to talk “policy” as does her opponent, the Orange Man.

She liked the transies in July, now she doesn’t?! American flags? Oh yes, she’s down with American flags now. She’s changed her tune a lot on mass migration—at first yes, then maybe/no, now just yesterday, yes again. Really?

This week, the ‘“mass migration, yes!” number she staged may have more to do with getting warm bodies in here to mess with the voting double-time than an actual reversal of her earlier “secure border” non-position. She’s in so deep, who can tell?

Kamala’s current hysteria, an impassioned plea that President Trump is in fact Hitler, indicates that no, maybe she won’t be able to finally stick it to both Jill and Michelle and make it in as the executive they know she’s not qualified to be. Seems like even Kamala believes there will be no lip-syncing of “It’s my Party” at the inaugural ball, as her I-really-can’t-stand-women husband, Dougie (see also Timmy Walz), inexpertly attempts to swoop her across an all-too-familiar ballroom.

Ms. Harris just needs to go away, take a vacation, get a life, maybe face some consequences for her dereliction of duty. For, no, Kamala, however you cut it, there will be no Santa Claus this Christmas—who will finally relieve you of the necessity of willy-nilly sucking up to the more useful males in the world to achieve your integrity-less version of success. Your stockings may be filled with canceled ballots and furious elves.

And, yes, Kamala, there actually is a real life. It’s just that you’re not in it. But the race is still on! You can meet up with your ideologically and historically challenged supporters at hey, McDonald’s, and make the servers turn up some Musak. While chowing burgers down, you can jive around and scream about how you were robbed of the White House and Americans weren’t ready for your leadership because they’re misogynistic or too stupid, or whatever other nonsensical claims are peddled by female, progressive, political rejects—just ask Hillary Clinton who’s been yammering on about this for eight years and counting.

Still, you won’t make “princess”—just ask Meghan.

But don’t worry, Kammie, there is a new counter-culture out there, the MAGA creature, up for grabs in November: it’s just not the one you were “certified” (shout out to the DNC!) to represent. That’s becoming a mega-switcheroo, too, so it’s right up your alley.

Image: YouTube video screen grab, edited.

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