Who are Trump’s ‘enemies within’ America?

Richard Nixon was castigated for his list of enemies prior to the Watergate scandal during his presidency.  Recently, and differently, Donald Trump, in his typically exaggerated and dramatic style, confidently condemned “enemies within” America.  His liberal elite media critics have reflexively condemned him for fascist or reactionary rhetoric and tactics over the term “enemies.”  What political “enemies within” might there actually be in America today?

1. Enemies among Political Bureaucrat “Public Servants”

The Mueller investigation, the Russia Hoax perpetrators, the two failed impeachment processes against Trump, and the several special prosecutions against Trump we can call “lawfare” all reveal politically biased bureaucrats in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, and other ranks of the politically appointed domain.  With such political servants of America as “friends,” who needs enemies on the modern American political psychodrama stage?

2. Enemies among Illegal Migrants

Rather than retaining Trump’s effective efforts in border security and building effectively on them with his proposed legislation, Joe Biden went in the opposite direction.  Biden and Harris gave mixed messages of “don’t come now” but simultaneous welcoming messages to thousands and eventually millions of illegal aliens pouring across our southern and northern borders.  The vetting of such migrants has been so ineffective that relatively harmless little families and youths seeking the American dream have been thrown in with “undocumented enemies” comprising dangerous gang members, criminals, drug-dealers, human-traffickers, and even dangerous terrorists!  Border patrol members, feeling like mere greeters or ineffective paperwork processors, have been driven to despair and even suicide.

3. Enemies among Radical Pro-Hamas and Antisemitic American University Professors

The attack on our American ally Israel on Oct. 7 by Sunni Islamo-fascist Hamas led Israel to declare war on Hamas.  The Islamo-fascist theocrat Iran regime is the ultimate sponsor of the Islamo-fascist Hezb’allah attackers of Israel and Houthi forces attacking Israel and our American navy.  Some idealistic American university students and some of their mentoring professors seem to forget what actual war against “death to America” fascists involves.  They say that ceasefires, as opposed to a surrender and hostage release by Hamas and eventually Hezb’allah and theocratic Islamo-fascist rulers in Iran, are required for peace.

Oct. 7, like Pearl Harbor, was not just another skirmish or incursion!  War is hell, as Pearl Harbor, Dresden, and Hiroshima remind us.  Americans who side with Hamas, Hezb’allah, and other Islamo-fascist aggressors for dramatic political purposes of attacking Israel politically become sad enemies, do-gooders, or “useful idiots,” as leaders like Lenin called champions of Stalin, or Netanyahu recently called American violent antisemitic protesters championing Hamas over Israel.

4. Enemies among Trump-Appointed Presidential Cabinet Members

Some former Trump Cabinet members fiercely condemn Trump as dangerous, destructive, mentally unstable, and unfit to be president.  Trump regards them as political enemies.  I would say that when such fired Cabinet members move beyond vigorously criticizing Trump policies and expressing their dislike of his personal style, and their inability to work with him, then they can be regarded as specifically Trump enemies.  An American president and our country are best served by an entourage of Cabinet members who are helpful to our president’s policies and governing.

Trump is comfortable with saying, “You’re fired!”  I cannot remember President Biden firing anyone!  Even incompetent Cabinet members like Mayorkas and secretary of defense Austin, who did not even notify Biden when he was unconscious during a surgical procedure!

5. Enemies among Social Media Hackers and Sophisticated Foreign Intruders

Recent Iranian and Chinese hackers have shown efforts to influence our 2024 elections, and some Iranian agents have even been involved with plots to assassinate president Trump, former Trump security advisor John Bolton,  and Trump secretary of state Mike Pompeo.  Such are bona fide enemies of America.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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