Western governments despise their own citizens

Increasingly, Western governments want their subjects citizens to be utterly compliant—and pliant—little state-loving automatons. Or they will threaten to incarcerate you in favor of illegal aliens, who they know are indebted to them…and ergo almost certain to vote for them in the next election.

This is certainly the case in formerly jolly old England. It is what Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are now, as well. And America is racing in the same direction. This will be America, too, after November 5th—or seventh—or ninth—or 20th—or whenever Democrats have conjured up enough votes to steal a second consecutive election from Donald Trump. And, at that moment, it will be game over, evil wins.

Thank God our founders were much less tolerant than we are or the past 248 years would have been much different for everyone on earth. They refused to put up with what they considered an excessive tax on tea, and taxation without representation in general. We are yet putting up with the forced genital mutilation of our children, the denial of objective truths, the attack on Christianity and tradition, the massive influx of illegal aliens who are “granted” more rights than citizens are, and the attempted incarceration and assassinations of our current government’s political enemies. Oh, and we also have taxation without representation, as most citizens are vehemently opposed to the aforementioned agenda and “policies.”

As conservatives, we have no logical alternative but to accept that our own governments detest us. Like many other truths, this is not an easy pill to swallow. But it is the truth, and it is therefore necessary that we do so.

Washington, D.C.

Image: Ted Eytan, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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