WaPo report discloses true Hamas intent to destroy Israel

In “Captured documents reveal Hamas’s broader ambition to wreak havoc on Israel” (10/12/24), the Washington Post, perhaps for a moment, revives its former glory by engaging in investigative reporting. This, on a topic that has lacked investigative reporting for years: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this article, the Post discloses a treasure trove of documents recovered from Israeli incursions in Gaza. These documents give a clear picture of Hamas’s warfighting plans and intent. In one communication, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar “was crystal clear about his ultimate intention: the destruction of the state of Israel. He repeats the point multiple times in the captured letters and asks Iranian officials to help him in his quest.”

If there were any residual hope that the Palestinians wanted a two-state solution, this news should dispel it once and for all.

Another controversial point, since it points a finger at the current U.S. administration, was confirmed: “US and Israeli analysts believe that Iran provided hundreds of millions of dollars to Hamas’s military wing and increased support in 2023.”

Of course, Iran was broke before Biden/Harris removed the U.S. sanctions on Iran and released billions to the theocratic regime, enabling it to fund Hamas’s October 7th attack. Indeed, the attack may not have been possible without the money transferred from Iran to Hamas, considering the substantial cost of the attack.

Naturally, the Post couldn’t write an entire article about Israel without accusing it of some wrongdoing. When the reporter gave a senior Hamas official the opportunity to explain the ugly content of the captured documents, the official said, “Israel has a history of fabricating documents.” Neither Hamas nor the Post provided any evidence that Israel has ever fabricated documents. And the Post did not even challenge the official’s outlandish assertion. The Post uses language of suspicion when reporting claims by Israel, but passively accepts claims by terrorist organizations like Hamas.

However, the article makes another admission not typically seen in the Post. Farzin Nadimi, an Iran expert, stated, “Iran trained Hamas and encouraged them to do exactly the things they did on Oct. 7.” Nadimi concluded, “their goal was to get to the core of the Israeli state and crush it.”

The Post rarely admits that Iran is out to destroy Israel, or for that matter, that Hamas’s goal is the same. Whatever has come over the Post, let’s see if this more sensible reporting continues. I won’t hold my breath. 

Image: Washington Post

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