Trump voters must amplify their votes beyond just voting

All of a sudden, Komrade Kamala has changed her strategy. She’s been everywhere the past few days, 60 Minutes, The View, and even sharing a beer on Colbert.

It’s a big risk for her, and it shows.

So why did she change?

The whole shortened campaign Hail Mary from the past was designed to get her across the finish line before everyone got to know her and her horrible policy agenda, and they’ve thrown that all in the dustbin the past few days.


Considering the possibilities, her internal polling could show that she’s pulling away, but the undecideds needed to know more about her. Thus, she and her staff felt that she could take the risk of revealing too much and win over some more folks.

The flip side would be the exact opposite, internal polling showing that the thrill is gone and this is a last-ditch effort to win back the undecideds.  Her campaign is the Hindenburg of political movements, all gas, and no substance, and the flames are just starting to appear.

Oh, the humanity.

Either way, she and her media marketing arm have few options. They’ve been going pedal to the metal with in-kind contributions of positive press coverage while attacking Donald Trump at every turn. 

Where do you go from there?

The problem with the first possibility is that she hasn’t done anything in the past few weeks that would warrant a resurgence in her popularity, and it’s been quite the opposite. Her tone deafness at best, and negligence at worst with the Hurricane Helene response and handing out millions to Lebanon, coupled with Donald Trump’s triumphant return to Butler, Pennsylvania, would indicate that her polling should be dropping.

Indications are that this is the case.

Her only option at this point was a drastic change, and indications are that it only made things worse. The DNC ruling class is probably second-guessing itself, thinking that they should have had that June 27 debate even later to shorten the campaign season even more.

Komrade Kamala was supposed to jump in at the last minute, ‘unburdened’ by any primary challenges and of course, recent word salads and videos of her voicing her far-left views. She was like a blank piece of paper, the generic other candidate compared to Donald Trump.  People could fill in the blanks with whatever they wanted as their dream presidential candidate, with views going both ways at the same time. They’ve even been able to gaslight some into thinking she’s the ‘change’ candidate and not even the incumbent, going so far as to co-opt pro-freedom priorities and themes.

But now with her situation falling apart, she’s had to break commie cover and start talking to her media marketing arm, and even some of the softball questions they’ve asked have caused her trouble and indications are that she’s out of options and in decline.

The funny thing is that no one is talking about this – on both sides – but they have different reasons for doing so.

For the fascist far-left and their ever-loyal national socialist media minions, it’s because this whole campaign has been built on a sugar rush of positive press coverage.  Their whole deal was a stealth vibes campaign, as though choosing the leader of the free world should have all the solemnity of picking a bridesmaid or a beer buddy. It’s the most important job interview in the world and she’s treating it as if she should be able to laugh her way through with meaningless platitudes or word salads. Sticking to sycophantic media that will ask what sounds like tough questions and then let her slide with nonsense answers.  It’s all falling apart because the vibes weren’t enough and faking a change to seriousness on the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast.

Pro-freedom patriots are keeping mum about what seems to be happening because we don’t want complacency to set in and have people stay on the sidelines because it looks like it's going to be a blowout.  In this case, you almost have to trick yourself into being cautiously optimistic, but with a self-imposed fervor that we’re 20 points behind. To be blunt, we can’t afford to lose this one. So, this means we all have to consider how we can amplify our votes – or more precisely, amplify our voices.  

Most importantly, your number one priority should be making sure you’re ready to cast your vote at the earliest opportunity while encouraging like-minded individuals to do the same.  Pro-freedom patriots tend to be old school and wait until Election Day, but in this case, it’s far too important a task to put off until then -- with early votes in the bank, political operatives can concentrate their efforts on those who haven't voted and get them to vote, which in the end means more votes for Trump.  Besides the simple fact of getting it done ASAP, always keep in mind this disturbing report: Afghan Who Entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris Arrested For ISIS Attack Planned For Election Day.

An Islamic man from Afghanistan who entered the United States under the Biden-Harris administration has been charged with allegedly planning an ISIS terrorist attack on Election Day.

Think about how many other terrorists could have been let in by the Harris/Biden administration.  How many others are planning similar attacks?  If you can vote early, you can avoid the risk.  Meanwhile, you should be encouraging others to do the same.  Carpooling or even renting a bus should be under consideration.  We need to take a page from the far-left’s playbook amplifying it tenfold and rhetorically blow them out of the water to preclude them from cheating.

Your next priority should be volunteering wherever you can, doing whatever you can.  Find your local Trump campaign or GOP headquarters and find out what they need. 

Get the word out with some signs.

Get some Trump and other political signs to place in your yard or windows, and if you can, pick up one or two extras in case they inadvertently disappear or ‘spontaneously’ catch on fire.  You never know when those squirrels will steal a sign or play with matches, this way you can replace it as a symbol of resistance.  These serve as a visual reminder for people to vote and that despite the propaganda from the national socialist media, many support the man.  The same holds for bumper stickers, hats, etc.

Everyone seems to be voicing the idea that a silent resistance is taking place, that while the anti-liberty left is like the hare, the pro-freedom right is like the tortoise, methodically moving towards victory.  Everyone needs to do their part in ensuring that victory, the alternative is too horrifying to contemplate.

D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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