Trump shines at McDonald’s while Kamala’s getting mad

In the wake of getting shot in Butler, PA, Donald Trump struck me as a bit subdued. I was worried that the bullet, while it didn’t take his life (thank God), took some of his mojo. Meanwhile, the media began telling us that Cacklin’ Kamala was the embodiment of pure joy. Well, that was two months ago, and a lot can change in two months. Now, Cacklin Kamala is angry, while a buoyant Trump had fun at a Philadelphia McDonald’s. We are witnessing the living embodiment of the momentum we’re seeing in the polls.

Regarding Kamala’s fall from joy, here’s the top-of-the-homepage story at the Daily Mail on a Sunday evening, two weeks before the election:

Here’s my favorite line from the essay: “What started as a strategy of ‘joy’ appears to have turned to one of anger.” Anger with a soupçon of inebriation, perhaps.

Meanwhile, a beaming, ebullient Donald Trump, taking the mickey out of Kamala’s weirdly unprovable claim of having once worked at a McDonald’s as a teen, served up fries at a Philadelphia McDonald’s. In this one-time Democrat bastion, happy customers flooded the McDonald’s while thousands of people lined the streets.

It’s late, and I’m tired (my dog had an emergency during the night, although he seems okay now), so I’m going to limit this post to sharing a happy meal of tweets with you:

(You know that, at a Democrat rally, the communist party, Pride, and Hamas flags would outnumber the American flags, right?)

Now we know for certain that one of the two presidential candidates did, in fact, work at McDonald’s!

Americans like their political warriors to be happy—and to reserve their righteous anger for America’s enemies, not for America and Americans. Kamala, a leftist, can no longer pretend that she likes either America or Americans, and her schoolmarmish, nasal, hectoring tones make that clearer every day. Meanwhile, Trump, with the wind at his back, is having fun. That makes for a very attractive candidate and, I hope, an overwhelming victory on November 5.

Oh, one more thing: I believe that, by tomorrow, early voting will have started across America. If you can avoid trusting the U.S. Mails and, instead, can vote in person, go now and vote before November 5. Kamala needs to be beaten so soundly before election day that cheating is not an option.

Image: X screen grab.

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