This shows they still don’t get Trump

“I’m on the top of his list,” says the suddenly paranoid Tim Walz.

Jimmy Kimmel also believes he’d have to find a non-extradition-treaty country to escape a Trump Administration “enemies list.”  He was described as “visibly anxious and uneasy” while discussing the possibility.

Now, I don’t know how to say this gently fellas, so let’s just say it:  you don’t matter.  There’s nothing you could do in your current capacities, nor is there anything you’ve done to merit targeting or incarceration.  This should be blindingly obvious by now, after nearly a decade of watching Trump the political animal.  That dog don’t hunt, boys.  Well, that dog don’t hunt you two, that’s for sure.  (To be clear: the only way Tim Walz becomes dangerous is if he’s V.P., because then, it goes without saying, a Kamala Harris D.O.J. could make Trump’s life miserable.). But as of right now? Or in the wake of a Trump victory next month?  You ain’t got no juice, boys.  What on earth do either of you think could possibly merit some kind of federal action?  Unless you know, deep down in places you don’t talk about at cocktail parties, that Trump’s been targeted unfairly? Because that would explain it.  That would explain why you’re a teensy bit paranoid that Trump would turn right around and do it to you.

But you have no power over Trump.  It’s not like you can issue him a subpoena or serve a search warrant on him.  All you can do is talk smack.  And you’re not even good at it.  Maybe if you were good at it, you’d merit a spot on “the list,” but you’re just one of multitudes.  If Trump bothered with every high profile lefty who’s only role in his life is to bloviate badly, he’d be consumed for a decade and then some, and y’all simply ain’t worth it.  Do something worth paying attention to, and maybe, maybe he’ll deign to put you on an “enemies list,” real or imaginary, but as of right now? Pfft.  Relax in the balm of your own narcissism.  Tell your personal assistants to book you a foot massage and bring you some kale.  Today’s not the day.

Amazingly, inexplicably, Tim Walz, went on to tell the audience “‘but don’t kid yourself, you’re somewhere on that list, too,’” when he opined as to his own fate under a Trump Administration. Again, unless you’ve internalized a comfort-level with absolutely out-of-control federal indictments — say… like January 6th people — why is that even in your brain?  What could possibly prompt Tim Walz to say such a thing to an audience full of people simply attending a political rally unless making political prisoners out of innocent Americans weren’t a thing you normalized, again, deep down in places you don’t talk about at cocktail parties?

They always tell you who they are, don’t they?  They project.  Like mad.  And in this particular case, they are also projecting their fundamental misunderstanding of the man — which is astonishing after all these years and indicative of what makes them worthy of ridicule and embarrassingly paranoid;  they’re immature. Unable to reason and learn. Silly and vain.

Trump’s not only said multiple times that he won’t lawfare his enemies because “it’s bad for the country,” but his record of actions says so. What does a president do?  That’s where you find him.  Remember Hillary?  How can we all forget?  (She simply won’t go away.)  Trump declined to encourage his D.O.J. to prosecute her in 2017 because “it’s bad for the country” he said.  We can disagree (and this writer does) but I understand and respect his decision.  It had echoes of Ford with Nixon.  Ford’s reasoning was exactly that: it’d have been bad for the country, even though I think we can all agree that Hillary richly deserved to be prosecuted and it would’ve been a righteous prosecution, not “lawfare,” which, by definition, is an abuse of the law.

But “lawfare” seems to be the animating fear of these progressive men, and given the filthy fever swamp of propaganda they traffic in, maybe they’ve started to believe their own bullsh*t.  Like reading your own press clippings, it’s a bad practice.  I’d suggest to Mr. Kimmel and Walz to get outside. Breathe some fresh air.  Walk barefoot on the grass and relax.  You’re uneducable, unfunny, and un-worth it.

<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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