These are a few of our favorite things

For some spiteful reason that escapes commonsense, Dems are not too proud of traditional America.  Many just want to sabotage our exceptionalism, and fundamentally transform us — into The Americas first, then the United Nations.  Not only politically and economically, but also culturally.

Trump’s plans to mass deport the illegal aliens will help salvage American values, but, in the meantime, our society’s preferences have already been transformed.  A few of our favorite things are distinctly un-American.

Americans adore our pets, and dogs are the most popular.  Representing a radical transformation of preferences, Chihuahuas are now ranked number one

Chihuahuas?!  That’s less of a dog than a poodle, for heaven’s sake.  Invoking Plato’s Forms (abstract things and concepts that most accurately represent reality) as the benchmark, Chihuahuas would barely qualify under the Form of dog-ness.  They are absent from the local dog-walking group, for example.  In fact, they are nowhere to be seen at the local dog park, but somehow these lapdogs have become the most popular breed in America.  We are really in decline.

Until recently, proper dogs like Labradors were perennially the most popular breed, per the American Kennel Club.  Other favored breeds include real dogs like Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Bulldogs.  Poodles also usually make the top 10, but that’s probably because 68% of females own dogs (compared to 80% of men), and poodles sport quite a feminine disposition.

Chihuahuas are fine, I suppose, having basic traits that humans favor, such as loyalty.  The best thing about a Chihuahua is that it is not a Shih-Tzu, still, they are rather unaesthetic and yappy. Unsurprisingly, they are particularly prevalent in the West, including New Mexico.

Which leads to considerations of other trends that may be influenced by old Mexico. In some staples, the popularity of products from one of our biggest trading partners now surpass good ole American stalwarts.

Odds are that if someone allows a Chihuahua to domicile with them, their favorite beer is Modelo, another import from Mexico.  Indeed, Modelo Especial has recently risen to America’s favorite beer. Sure, Bud’s demise was hastened after their misguided embrace of fringe sub-cultures, but what about Coors or Miller as an all-American replacement?

For those preferring to imbibe the hard stuff, one might consider whiskey, a good American bourbon or Tennessee brand, or perhaps a martini (shaken or stirred).  Think again… Tequila is now the best-selling spirit in America.  Authentic tequila is made in Mexico, mostly the state of Jalisco.  President Trump has proposed a tariff on it.

Better not drink on an empty stomach, though, so perhaps a nice sandwich will hit the spot? Actually, tortilla sales have surpassed white sandwich bread as the first choice for enveloping tasty treats.

From our beloved pets to our selected drinks and gastronomic desires, some of America’s favorites — the things that bring simple, everyday pleasure and contentment — have been supplanted commensurate with invasions across our porous border.   In these important cultural elements, we are gradually becoming The Americas.

As Lady Liberty projects her welcome to the world’s downtrodden masses, we remain a generous and compassionate people to those who wish to assimilate legally.  Nevertheless, Trump better resume his presidency (with loyal advisors) and start mass deportations — of the criminal illegal aliens — before we devolve into a nebulous country mirroring the United Nations.  Some of their favorite things are rather repulsive.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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