The U.S. government now effectively a criminal organization

I saw a ‘tweet’ recently suggesting that the government of the United States has become a ‘criminal organization.’ (I don’t remember precisely when or from whom the ‘tweet’ was issued.)

I know that statement is hard to swallow, unpleasant as a root canal. And hard to fathom for those who grew up in the Great Depression and lived through World War II, Camelot, and the Reagan Revolution.

It is, however, nonetheless true. Government as mafia.

Turns out, Uncle Sam is a capo, head of an unimaginably vast criminal racket.

Criminal racket definition: an act of organized crime where one or multiple people or entities attempt to earn recurring gains illegally through a business or businesses.

Big Pharma come to mind? It is the largest donor to Congress (both parties). And what is the relationship of the Democrat party to Big Media? Unions? (Although that appears to be changing!)

Don’t wish to believe government is a criminal organization? Sorry, but it is simply irrefutable.

Think of the millions of illegal aliens, many of them criminals, allowed to cross our border in recent years. Countless numbers of whom have been given cell phones, pre-loaded credit cards, driver’s licenses, and been transported around the country and put up in nice hotels. Or sent to ‘battleground states.’

For some reason. Coincidence, I’m sure.

The government doesn’t want you to think about the staggering amount of crime, sex-trafficking, and fentanyl that has come across the border with them. Mention this, and you will likely be accused of racism, xenophobia … or of spreading ‘misinformation.’

Think of ‘Fast & Furious,’ a criminal operation if there ever was one. Brought to you — and others — by the Obama administration. Or of the Steele dossier, or 51 top intelligence officials swearing that Hunter’s laptop was a Russian PSYOP, or Biden’s quid pro quo with Ukraine regarding a certain prosecutor looking into … malfeasance on the part of the Bidens.

And then, of course, there is election interference. From spreading lies, pressuring social media outlets, changing election law and procedure, and using unprecedented lawfare on its political opponents — and worse — the government as constituted by today’s Democrats will do anything to retain and enhance its power. It will pay any bribe, utilize any lie, cause any hardship, support any leftist, and oppose any political foe … in order to assure the survival and the success of … the government as constituted by today’s Democrats.

As our first president, far more eloquent and steeped in a knowledge of history than any politician today, so astutely noted: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.”

Tragically, we the people are rapidly becoming government’s fearful servants -- and government our dangerous master.

Image: James Joel, via Flickr // CC BY-ND 2.0

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