The ‘Pfizer Papers’: Proof of COVID medical wrongdoing

Some hard evidence of medical wrongdoing during the pandemic is now available in a new book titled The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes against Humanity that became available just a few days ago. I haven’t received my copy yet, but I learned that the U.S., the U.K., and Australia have all tried to suppress its publication.  Following are a few noteworthy findings from the introduction by Dr. Naomi Wolf:

“The story of how [this book] came to be is extraordinary — 3250 highly credentialed doctors and scientists under the leadership of one extraordinary woman, Amy Kelly, worked for two years on the 450,000 internal Pfizer documents released under court order by a successful lawsuit by attorney Aaron Siri. In the process these volunteers confirmed the greatest crime against humanity of all time.”

“The story began when lawyer Aaron Siri successfully sued the Food and Drug Administration, to compel them to release “The Pfizer Documents.” These are Pfizer’s internal documents — as noted above, 450,000 pages in number — that detail the clinical trials Pfizer conducted in relation to its COVID mRNA injection.”

“We learned that Pfizer knew within three months after rollout in December 2020, that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID. Pfizer’s language was “vaccine failure” and “failure of efficacy.”

“Many people who took this injection, as it was launched in 2020–2021–2022 and to the present, did not realize that normal testing for safety of a new vaccine — testing that typically takes ten to twelve years — had simply been bypassed via the mechanisms of a “state of emergency” and the FDA’s “Emergency Use Authorization.” 

“Pfizer knew that the vaccine materials — lipid nanoparticles, an industrial fat, coated in polyethylene glycol, a petroleum byproduct; mRNA; and spike protein — did not remain in the deltoid muscle, as claimed by all spokespeople. Rather, it dispersed throughout the body in forty-eight hours “like a shotgun blast,” as one of the authors, Dr. Robert Chandler, put it; it crossed every membrane in the human body — including the blood-brain barrier — and accumulated in the liver, adrenals, spleen, brain, and, if one is a woman, in the ovaries.” 

“These side effects included: death (which Pfizer does list as a “serious adverse event”). Indeed, over 1,233 deaths in first three months of the drug being publicly available.” 

“Severe COVID-19; liver injury; neurological adverse events; facial paralysis; kidney injury; autoimmune diseases; chilblains (a localized form of vasculitis that affects the fingers and toes); multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (when more than one organ system is failing at once); the activation of dormant herpes zoster infections; skin and mucus membrane lesions; respiratory issues; damaged lung structure; respiratory failure; acute respiratory distress syndrome…” 

“Babies suffered and died. In one section of the documents, over 80 percent of the pregnancies followed resulted in miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. In another section of the documents, two newborn babies died, and Pfizer described the cause of death as “maternal exposure” to the vaccine.” 

“By the time Pfizer’s vaccine rolled out to the public, the pharmaceutical giant knew that they would be killing babies and significantly harming women and men’s reproduction.” 

“Substantial” birth rate drops happened across thirteen countries: countries in Europe, as well as Britain, Australia, and Taiwan, within nine months of public vaccine rollout.”

“Approximately 70 percent of Pfizer vaccine-related adverse events occur in women.”

Wolf’s introduction describes only a small fraction of the crimes against humanity carried out by Pfizer and our health care industrial complex that likely apply equally to the other vax suppliers as well.  And despite knowing of the adverse side-effects, I still see advertisements that encourage people of all ages to get the unsafe and ineffective vax booster shots.  It’s a case of putting profits before people.

Following are a few questions I would like to see answered as a result of this new evidence:

  • Is a murder charge applicable to the Pfizer and other Big Pharma CEOs who similarly withheld information about harmful vax side-effects like myocarditis, mini-strokes, deaths, and more?
  • Does any culpability apply to Dr. Fauci or other government leaders who knew this and mandated vaccines and inflexible hospital treatment protocols that resulted in many thousands of avoidable deaths?
  • Do the deaths resulting from the ban of inexpensive, effective therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for treating COVID fit the definition of murder? 
  • Does any guilt apply to the legacy media and reputable medical journals that knowingly spread false information about the effectiveness of above therapeutics to prohibit their use and thereby assure Big Pharma profits?
  • Can any blame be attributed to elected politicians who knowingly suppressed or falsified information for Big Pharma about the vax harms just to achieve a political advantage by capitalizing on the fear caused by a high death count?

The Harris-Walz team will likely claim that this new evidence about Pfizer is disinformation so they can ignore it.  However, when RFK Jr. joined with Trump, he added a new campaign slogan to “Make America Healthy Again.”  Perhaps Kennedy could use this new smoking-gun evidence as extra ammunition to help make his challenging campaign promise come true. 

<p><em>Image: Triggermouse via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Triggermouse via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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