The left is ruining language, too

The Left tries to commandeer language for its own gain and power, just as it does with everything else.

To do so, it must change it, bastardize it, or deface it -- which is, to ‘progressives,’ a bonus. (And just as it does to everything else.)

Therefore, pedophiles become ‘minor-attracted persons,’ or MAPs. Abortion becomes ‘women’s healthcare.’ And attempting to imprison or kill one's political opponents becomes a valiant effort to ‘save our democracy.’

I have a deep and abiding love and respect for both the spoken and written language. It is much of what makes us human. If we lose the ability to properly communicate, inspire, and elevate, what a sad and stale world it would be.

If we routinely let ‘liberals’ alter the meaning of words to fit their pernicious agenda and further their attack on the family and Western institutions, we will soon find ourselves living out a real-life version of ‘1984.’

In a related development, it is a truism that the number of words the average young adult knows -- and can properly define and employ — has been dropping in recent years. (This is not a shock to those who dabble in social media or watch Love Island, where it seems ‘like’ and the f-word are thrown around as often as ‘the’ and ‘and’ are used.)

I find it sadly interesting that the fewer words we know, the more abbreviations, acronyms, and emojis are available for us to use as substitutes. Might there be a connection?

To me this is similar to the rapid rise of artificial intelligence that is coinciding with the decline of real, human intelligence, according to IQ measurements of Westerners over the past several decades.

In reality, ‘woke’ means disdain for the past, tradition, those who came before…and ultimately for truth and reality itself.  And ‘insanity’ is a synonym.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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