The Iranian plots to assassinate Trump

A couple of interesting pieces came out recently regarding Iranian plots to assassinate former and, God willing, future president Donald J. Trump.

The first was this from the Washington Post’s David Ignatius.  What attracted my attention was Ignatius’s questioning of whether Trump was underestimating the threat, as well as the “why” and “why now” aspects of his piece.  As Glenn Greenwald tells us:

[T]here is no member of the media more loyal to the CIA and its narratives than he. Pretty much if David Ignatius' mouth is moving, it means the CIA is talking. That's been his entire career.

A couple possible motives for CIA whisperer Ignatius’s piece coming out now, as I see them, are

1) to dissuade Trump from campaigning as we come down the home stretch to the election, and,

2) much more sinister, are the CIA and FBI sowing the ground to blame a Trump assassination on the Iranians?

It’s this second story, by Lee Smith, that steered my thoughts in this direction:

The Islamic Republic definitely has it out for Trump, but it seems this most recent Iranian plot to kill the Republican candidate was hatched by the FBI.

Last month the DOJ announced it had charged a Pakistani national with ties to Iran in connection to a plot to assassinate a politician or U.S. government official on U.S. soil. According to reports, Trump was the target.

The suspect, Asif Merchant, entered the country in April and was arrested on July 12 as he prepared to leave the country. It appears that Merchant was the Iranian threat the Secret Service was briefed on before the July 13 rally in Butler, PA.

The FBI arranged his entry into the U.S. According to an August Twitter post from Fox correspondent Bill Melugin, Merchant “was admitted into the U.S. via parole for ‘significant public benefit’ when [Customs and Border Patrol] encountered him at the airport in [Texas] in April after he flew in from overseas.” The sponsor of his parole, Melugin reported, “was the FBI’s Dallas office, for ‘security interests.’”

That last line regarding the FBI’s Dallas field office triggered my memory.  A little research took me back this item from August 2016:

According to news reports, an undercover FBI agent had been in communication over social media with one of the terrorists, Elton Simpson, in the weeks leading up to the terrorist attack.  In one of the communications with the undercover agent, Simpson shared a link to information about the “Draw Prophet Muhamad Contest,” to which the agent replied, “Tear up Texas.” Simpson replied, “Bro, you don’t have to say that,” and “No need to be direct,” and referenced a terrorist attack in Paris.  The day of the attack, the agent was in a car directly behind Simpson and his associate, Nadir Soofi, near a police checkpoint.  The agent was taking photos of the terrorists just before the shooting began. A local police officer fatally shot both terrorists.

Despite the communications between the agent and Simpson, as well as court filings and news reports that reveal the agent was present at the scene during the attack, Comey told reporters in the days following the attack that the FBI had no reason to believe that Simpson intended to attack the event and was unaware of any plans to travel to Garland. 

I don’t know if there’s something in the Dallas FBI’s water cooler or if this is just an odd coincidence, but it certainly caught my attention.

Recent FBI malfeasance certainly isn’t limited to the Dallas office.  We’ve seen the stories about the Bureau’s role in constructing the plot to kidnap, and possibly kill,  Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, not to mention its role in the J6 insurrection.

To say our Deep State is out of control is gross understatement.  How much more of this do they think the American people will tolerate?

To be clear, I’m not accusing anyone of anything, but given the events of the past eight or nine years, and the roles played in them by our intelligence and security communities, the questions must be asked and answered.

I feel we’ve reached the point where our Republic cannot survive without a thorough housecleaning of the federal government, beginning with the FBI and CIA.

Trump’s willingness to take on this herculean task is what has drawn the ire of the political establishment, including the DNC media.

If Trump is inaugurated at noon, FBI director Chris Wray should be interviewing for his new position at CNN or MSNBC by 1:00 P.M., with a cast of thousands following him in short order.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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