The final stretch

Here we are: the final days before this biggest of elections.  The stakes are high.

Taking a page from athletes, we cannot fail to finish this race.  Most can remember seeing impossible comebacks in sporting events.  Heck, I think we saw one in the last election.  You go to bed, Trump is way up, then you wake up to find half a dozen states had shut down their counting, and voilà: in the wee hours of the morning, Biden is suddenly ahead. 

We all saw that happen: a reminder for us that we need to suck it up and cross that finish line, with a monstrous tidal wave of votes this time that will negate the cheating we know happens.  Today, we are in the miraculous position of being ahead in the polls, which hasn’t happened for many election cycles, not even when Trump first won in 2016. 

Things look very good for the MAGA movement.  The realignment of the parties, the confusion of the left, and the stupidity of the Harris candidacy are all suggesting a tidal wave.  A tidal has to happen, or we are cooked.  The last best hope will be gone.  The squeaker in 2016 cannot repeat itself.  This has to be a massive win.  Witness the 2020 election again.  With cheating, a win can become a loss.

The great peril we face is overconfidence — like an overconfident athlete who is ahead, whose guard comes down, whose intensity lags, who subliminally thinks it’s over, and suddenly, there is your opponent, winning an event you could not lose.

Let’s return to why a landslide needs to happen, why a rare political tidal wave needs to occur.

First, a reminder of how powerful the Democrat machine is.  They have the media, the schools, the tech lords, the educrats, the three-letter agencies, the bureaucracies, and they hold most of the levers of power.  People that have this much power, and particularly this group, who are so corrupt and spoiled, will do anything to maintain their power.  They will lie, steal, cheat, and harm people in their way.  Expect them to do all of this, because they can, even though they have exposed their machine too much and earned a well deserved backlash they didn’t see.  They still have the power to change minds with their media, and they still have the power to rally their disheveled, disheartened base to make life difficult at the end.

Second, remember how fragile the RINOs have made the GOP.  With their NeverTrumps, they can depress and confuse some GOP voters who are not engaged, who can flip either way.  Unfortunately, this is a real group, one that does not know the stakes here.  They could make the fatal mistake of believing the machine.

Third, there is that pesky saying from the old cartoon character Pogo, who said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us — which is to say we of the MAGA movement can do a number of things in concert to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

One thing on the right we are famous for is our circular firing squad.  Those of you who think Trump is not pro-life enough, stop with the inane criticism.  Those who are Christian, stop with your nonsense that Trump is not holy enough to be president, so you can’t give him your vote.  That’s absurd.  Those of you on the center-right who think Trump’s mean tweets disqualify him, get over yourselves.  Those purist conservatives who think Trump isn’t perfectly aligned with X, Y, or Z, just stop.

Because the alternative for all these groups is infinitely worse than your small-souled criticisms.  If we lose this election, we lose to a left that hates everything you think is good, who is power-mad, corrupt, stupid, incompetent, and willing to destroy all you love.  They are playing with evil.  We cannot allow them to stay in power.  No matter how important you think you are, stop the nonsense.

Another way to avoid being an enemy to ourselves is not to be overconfident.  If we get overconfident, some of us could subliminally think it’s over, my vote won’t be that important in a landslide — or, if you live in a blue state, thinking your vote can’t get Trump elected, so you choose to stay home.  The tidal wave includes House (and even Senate) races in blue states.  If you stay home for any reason, and enough do, we won’t get the tidal wave.  We could even lose.  This is a sucker’s mindset, to think you can suddenly check out and not vote.  It’s a monstrous idea, one all of us must push against, that we cannot allow to spring up among us.  Throw any such thoughts as far away as possible.

Vote as early as you can.  In person, if you can.  Be paranoid at your polling place, making sure your vote is correct and that it is recorded.  Pass along the urgency to vote to everyone who leans MAGA.  Contact people to vote; help your local GOP to get out the vote.  Volunteer for them: driving, calling, whatever they need.  Form text groups of people to ensure that no one takes the easy route of not voting.  Think of ways to convince others.  Be creative.  Be resourceful.  Be intentional.  Be a warrior.

Think of all the great people who have come to this conclusion: that we have to win to save our country, to save Western civilization.  Elon Musk.  Tucker Carlson.  Victor Davis Hanson.  Tulsi Gabbard.  Bret Weinstein.  Russell Brand.  Jordan Peterson.  Ben Shapiro.  Patrick Bet David.  Candace Owens.  Vivek Ramaswamy.  And many more, all agreeing this is our last chance.  All are pointing to the devastation, destruction, and hellishness that will come upon us if we do not win.  I find myself in good company when I say this is a point in history where we must defeat the left.  Consider this deeply.  It is not a frivolous claim.

It’s time to finish this race.  Whatever you do, do not let up.  The way to do that is to double down your efforts.  Dig deep for the final sprint.  Without that final sprint, we lose.  Apply an attitude of determination combined with desperation these last weeks.  Finish strong.  Leave nothing on the field of battle.  Bear down on the stretch, and win this thing.  Trump has done his part.  It’s now in our hands as well.

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Image via PickPik.

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