The Dems' new smell: Desperation

Why doesn’t the Democrat Party just throw in the towel and admit defeat in the upcoming presidential election? The bloom is off the rose, and even diehard Dems curse in the darkness and scream that Kamala Harris was a terrible, horrible, really bad candidate. She was never ready for prime time and her presidential aspirations will soon be relegated to the dustbin of history.

Harris is Biden 2.0. She showed her gratitude for being selected VP by treacherously participating in a palace coup against her boss. Harris (0 votes and 0 primary victories) is less popular with males than two-month-old vending machine sushi. Her clunky campaign is currently imploding while Biden (14.5 million votes and one primary victory) sports a MAGA hat and quietly sabotages her quest through clever press conferences. Desperate Harris called upon Obama for help. Barack (sans Michelle) flew into Chicago from Martha’s Vineyard to attempt to shame the brothers into voting for her and then jetted back to his oceanside paradise. Hey, he tried -- sort of. Michelle probably chuckled and said, “Well, it could have been worse. An employee of McDonald's in Georgia recently asked Bill Clinton if he was Joe Biden.”

Dems should simply admit defeat, save their money, and search for a 2028 candidate worthy to be called presidential. Trump will be gone – no more Mr. Boogeyman. Look on the bright side: the Dems could win the 2028 election and inherit a closed border, peace in the world, affordable gas, violent illegal immigrants deported, and a revitalized military that is impressive, deadly, and a deterrent to countries who mocked us the last four years.

Liberals should stay home on November 5 or simply vote for Trump. No one will be the wiser, and Dems get to whine, complain, blame, and moan ad nauseam for the next four years. That seems to be what they do best.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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