The current Muslim hot war against Israel, one (Jewish) year later

Today is the first day of the joyous week-long Jewish festival of Succoth, when Jews dine — some even live in — temporary huts (sukka in Hebrew) with an open roof made of branches, evoking the flimsy shelters protecting their ancestors, who, after finally granted freedom after years of slavery in Egypt, traveled through the desert for 40 years before eventually reaching what is today called Israel, the sliver of land promised by G-d to only the Jews thousands of years ago.

But this year’s celebration of Succoth — indeed forevermore — will be bittersweet, as it is also one year, according to the Jewish calendar (which is lunar and used by Jews to celebrate holidays and commemorate other important events), since the barbaric Hamas Muslims in Gaza and their allies launched the current brutal war against Jewish civilians at a music festival, in their homes, or just going about their business.  Last year, the date of this atrocity, according to the Gregorian calendar used by many around the world, fell on October 7, which is why many acknowledged this bitter anniversary on this date this year.

Although understandable, refusing to acknowledge the significance of the Jewish date of this latest Muslim atrocity obscures the depth of the enemies’ hatred against Jews and Israel while giving them control of the narrative.  As with the Yom Kippur War of 5734/October 1973, since also (deliberately) misnamed the October War, 1973, when the Muslim countries bordering Israel (with the reluctant exception of Jordan) such as Egypt and Syria launched their war on the Jewish Day of Atonement, these hot wars plus the ongoing terror by Hamas and Hezb’allah (meaning party of the Muslim god) have only one goal: the total elimination of Israel.  And the Jews.  Not peace, with a peace treaty and handshakes, which lead to kumbaya all around.  Just ask former President Bill Clinton (D) how his famous 1993 peace treaty, the so-called Oslo Accords, shepherded between Israel’s then–prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, and the PLO’s terrorist leader, Yasser Arafat, is doing.  Better, ask the living Israeli victims of Arafat’s PLO.

Let’s clearly repeat: Hamas, Hezb’allah, and most of the Muslim countries cannot, will not live in peace with Jewish Israel.  They want the people and the country eliminated.

But what about the “Palestinians”?  Well, what about them?  This artificially discovered people, mostly Sunni Muslims, originally from surrounding Sunni Muslim countries, could return to their Muslim countries of origin.  By law, Gaza was 99.99% Muslim, with only a few Christians allowed to live very constricted lives.  And of course, Jordan is Palestine.  Problem solved.

Muslims cannot countenance a living Jewish presence.  Ever.  Acknowledging this would be the beginning of some sort of solution to the Muslim problem.

<p><em>Image: hendricjabs via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: hendricjabs via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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