The Biden administration threatens an arms embargo against Israel

It was always inevitable that the Biden administration would turn on Israel. Even if Israel itself falls short of its core values, the nation stands for Biblical principles, such as the existence of an ethical God, the moral values that have animated the West, and individual liberty. No wonder the administration hates it. Most recently, this hatred has manifested itself in the Biden administration giving itself an excuse to suspend arms shipments to Israel. Israel, it says, is failing to treat enemy civilians with the proper respect.

A brief recap before getting to the moral vacuum at the head of the American government:

There was no occupation under any definition.

On September 22, 2005, Israel completely withdrew from Gaza. Although Israel rightly owned that land via the Jews’ status as the indigenous people continuously occupying the same land for over 3,000 years, the division of land under the League of Nations plan, and Israel’s total victory in the Six-Day War, Israel still gave the land to the Arabs living there (a people with roots going back maybe 150 years at most).

Hamas is Israel’s and the United States’ common enemy.

Four months later, Gazans elected Hamas to lead their government. Hamas is an Iranian puppet organization and since 1997, per the United States Department of State, it’s been on the list of designated terrorist organizations.

Gaza is a battlefield that Hamas created with civilians as an integral part.

Since Israel withdrew from Gaza, Hamas has turned Gaza into a giant military encampment. It built hundreds of miles of tunnels underneath Gaza to serve both offensive and defensive military purposes, and it has turned every square inch of Gaza into its weapons warehouses and offensive locations for military actions. To Hamas, there is no such thing as a civilian. The people of Gaza are either non-uniformed soldiers in its army or useful shields.

Throughout its war against Hamas, Israel has shipped food and other supplies to Gaza civilians.

Even as it fights Hamas, Israel has kept supplies flowing to Gaza’s citizens. (See here, here, and here.) Imagine America feeding the citizens of Germany while actively fighting the Nazis, and you get a sense of how insane this is. The Nazis would have seized the supplies for the war machine, and, of course, that is what Hamas is doing, too.

To the combatants arrayed against Israel, civilians aren’t just fair game; they are the preferred targets as part of a genocidal war against the Jews.

On October 7, 2023, approximately 6,000 people from Hamas entered Israel. Of those, ~3,800 were official combatants, while another ~2,200 were civilians. In addition, Hamas launched 1,000 rockets at Israel. In the ensuing murderous rampage, Hamas slaughtered over 1,200 people, mostly, although not only, Israelis, making sure to sexually torture women and girls to death. They also seized over 250 hostages, many of whom are known to have been murdered. The remainder are mostly under civilian control in Gaza.

In a stunning analysis that deserves wider play, Daniel Greenfield exposes something no one wants to admit: October 7 wasn’t meant to be an isolated attack. Instead, as Iran (Hamas’s, Hezbollah’s, and the Houthis’ paymaster) intended, it was to be the opening battle in an existential war against Israel that would exterminate the entire Jewish population (approximately 7.2 million Jewish residents).

Since October 7, Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, has lobbed over 8,000 rockets into Israel, while Iran has sent another 300 more—all aimed at population centers.

Hamas has been and remains hugely popular with Gazan residents. They support its governance and its goals.

Israel has waged the most moral war in known human history.

Israel has waged an extraordinary war in Gaza because it has the lowest civilian casualty rate of any urban warfare in human history. Given that Hamas has deliberately woven civilians into its military infrastructure, this has meant that Israel has sacrificed its troops to save enemy civilians.

Meanwhile, Israel’s approach to Hezbollah (again, that means Iran) in Lebanon has been equally respectful of a hostile civilian population. Operation Grim Beeper, the walkie-talkie attacks, the targeted strikes on munitions warehouses, and the culling of Hezbollah leadership have all been aimed at destroying Hezbollah while leaving civilians as unscathed as possible.

Those are the facts, and you must understand them to appreciate just how insane it would be to insist that Israel do even more to support Gazans and that it refrain from attacks against Iran’s critical infrastructure. Yet that is exactly what the Harris-Biden administration has done.

The Jerusalem Post sums up the threatened arms embargo:

The US told Israel that it would impose an arms embargo on the Jewish state if it does not resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, N12 reported on Tuesday.

The White House expressed "deep concern over the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza in recent weeks" and called for urgent steps within the next month to reverse this trend. 

This threat is backed up by a letter from Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin, which basically demands that Israel feed and house her enemies while rebuilding their infrastructure:

Even as it demands that Israel feed her (and America’s enemies) or face America’s wrath, the Harris-Biden administration is insisting that Israel should not touch Iran’s oil fields or nuclear facilities:

The administration seems to have forgotten that Israel is an ally, that Iran has repeatedly been the aggressor directly and via proxies, and that Iran has vowed America’s destruction.

If you support Israel and oppose Jewish genocide, and if you believe that Iran and it’s proxies pose an existential threat to America, you cannot vote for Kamala Harris, who I predict will be worse even than Joe Biden.

Image by Andrea Widburg

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