Some ads you will never see from Democrats

Between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the polls are extremely close.

But that seems odd to me with the following information:

Trump is picking up black votes over what Biden won. 

Trump is picking up a lot of Hispanic votes vs. what Biden won. 

Trump is certainly picking up some Jewish votes because Biden and Harris seem more sympathetic to Iran and Hamas than Israel.

Trump is picking up a lot of unionized and blue-collar workers. 

It does not appear that many people who voted for Trump in 2020 are moving to Harris, but many people on the other side are running away from her and going to Trump. 

Never-Trumpers have been against Trump since 2016. It is nothing new. It probably helps Trump when people like former Reps. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney endorse Harris. Notice they never say which policies of Harris they like, just that they hate Trump.

The polls must be skewed as they always have been. 

We can see how unpopular the radical, destructive, Harris-Biden policies have been by the speed with which Harris is running away from them and by the ads they run, always claiming to be the opposite of what they stand for.

Here is a sample of policies the media and other Democrats are working so hard to hide from the voters:

We don't see ads bragging about no-bail laws and allowing people to steal $950 with no repercussions. Instead we see ads bragging that Kamala is tough on crime. 

There are no ads bragging about amnesty or open borders that allowed millions of unvetted foreign nationals into the U.S.

Instead we see ads saying how tough Kamala is at the border and falsely blaming Trump for the problem. 

We don't see ads saying they want to stack the Supreme Court. 

There are no ads bragging that the Democrats want abortion at all stages of a pregnancy and that they vote against giving health care to newborn babies. Instead we see a massive number of false ads saying Trump wants a national abortion ban and is against IVF. I thought the media was against misinformation. 

We don't see ads announcing support for boys and girls having their genitals removed without parental involvement or approval. 

Where are the ads bragging that Democrats support men playing against women in sports and flashing their penises in the womens' locker rooms?

Kamala and other Democrats have always been for complete government control of health care, but now they pretend they aren't. 

The Democrats have supported lawless sanctuary cities and states for decades, which means not cooperating with ICE on deporting illegals who have committed crimes against Americans but now they pretend they are big supporters of enforcing immigration laws. 

Why don't Democrats brag that they continually block poor and minority children from having options to go to better schools?

We have continually seen Democrats advocate for huge Second Amendment restrictions, but now Kamala and Tim are bragging that they love guns. 

We don't see ads from Democrats about how they believe that big government and more regulations and higher taxes are what America needs.

Kamala and all other Democrats voted against Trump's tax bill which gave big tax cuts to middle and lower income workers. Instead they say they like middle class tax cuts and continually lie to the public that Trump is only for the rich. They lie that that Trump's tax rate cuts cost trillions when the fact is, government revenues went up substantially. I thought the media wanted the truth to be reported. 

Democrats don't run ads saying they support showing little children reading explicit books about sex. Instead they lie that Republicans want to ban books. 

They don't run ads that claim that blacks and other minorities don't have the ability to get a photo ID. Instead they lie that Republicans want to suppress votes. 

Democrats have constantly told the public that our use of oil, natural gas, and coal are an existential threat to our survival. They absolutely opposed fracking. Now Kamala is pretending she loves all energy resources. 

Democrats aren't running ads bragging about how their policies of shutting down federal lands to drilling destroys companies that produce reasonably priced energy, driving production abroad and forcing consumers to buy derivatives of more expensive imported oil. Nor do they say anything about how that policy helps Russia and Iran get the business, the proceeds of which finance wars and terrorism. 

Democrats have issued regulations forcing car companies to produce electric cars and trucks consumers don't want, falsely saying that purchasing them would control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity. 

Kamala has previously bragged about requiring electric school buses, cars and trucks through greenie mandates. Now she and other Democrats falsely say they would never tell people what kind of car to buy. I thought the media was against misinformation. 

Democrats have bragged about how the worthless piece of paper called the Paris climate accord would control the climate.

And now, after Biden and Harris screwed up in responding to Hurricane Helene, Biden finally told the truth about something. 

He said people are stupid who believe the government can control the climate. 

President Biden on Wednesday addressed what he called "stupid" claims that the federal government can control the weather, as the false claim was promoted by some politicians and high-profile figures. 

When will they apologize for calling those of us that told the truth, which is that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally and always will, climate change deniers and stupid?

Meanwhile, as the media and other Democrats seek to hide their policies and truth from the public, Trump runs on his actual policies. He wants less government, fewer regulations, energy independence, lower taxes, and no inflation. He wants America first and won't cater to globalists. He is not an isolationist. He made the world safer. He wants people of all races to have better opportunities instead of having a goal, like Democrats, to make more people dependent on the government.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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