So Trump is 'mean-spirited'?

To put it lightly, many on the Left don’t fancy Donald Trump.

He’s “mean-spirited,” they say.  

“Not very nice,” some state.

A would-be "authoritarian," they aver.

Whereas — and by juxtaposition/implication — his Democrat opponents are none of those bad things. They value “civility” and decency, don’t you know.

Being the rascally contrarian I am, I must disagree.

No matter how it is portrayed, attempting to take away my right to effectively defend myself and my loved ones by pushing to dispense with the Second Amendment is not not “mean-spirited.” Trying to repeal the First Amendment and my right to free speech and assembly is “not very nice.” Labeling those who disagree with them as ‘deplorable,’ “fascists,” or ‘domestic terrorists’ is neither civil nor decent.

Trying to cancel, imprison, “eliminate,” or assassinate one's political opponents is more than ‘deplorable.’ It is, in fact, terroristic.

Doing absolutely anything — anything at all — to retain and enhance their power is authoritarian and fascistic.

Accusing one's opponents of doing what they do -- and are? That is pathetic and evil.

Many on the Left don’t care for me, either.

“Mean-spirited,” they say.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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