Pay attention to what Democrats do, not what they say

The United Nations, billionaires, educators, and scientists fly around the world in private jets, eat like kings, and stay in luxury hotels to have gabfests where they pretend they care about their carbon footprint and falsely claim they can control the climate. 

For decades they have put out dire predictions that say we only have a few years left to solve the problem which always consists of confiscating massive amounts of money and freedom from the rest of us, especially in the U.S.
No matter how wrong the predictions have been, the next one is more dire.
These people pretend they care about poor and underdeveloped countries, but they intentionally keep them poor and underdeveloped. They clearly do not care about their quality and length of life.  If they cared they would encourage them to use their natural resources to enrich themselves. 
RedState has this:

Most of sub-Saharan Africa is, candidly, a mess. Long held by the nations of Europe as colonies, the various nations of Africa were kind of left in the lurch when the European powers, post-WW2 for the most part, pulled out precipitously without ensuring that the African nations' governments and institutions were up to the task of leading those peoples into the modern, technological world. The result? The rise of warlords/dictators from Idi Amin to Robert Mugabe, a continent in grinding poverty, millions of people living in what are essentially Stone Age conditions.

Three things could produce an African Renaissance: liberty, capitalism, and energy. The Western world can't do much about the first two; that's something the people of the various nations of Africa will have to work out for themselves. The one thing the West could help with is energy development. But American and European climate scolds seem determined to prevent any energy development. It is, in effect, a re-colonizing of Africa.

In 2024, it is unconscionable that over 600 million Africans still lack access to electricity. In sub-Saharan Africa, only 28% of healthcare facilities have reliable electricity. More than 900 million people cook with traditional biomass like wood and animal dung, inhaling toxic fumes that claim over 600,000 African lives each year. Clean water remains a luxury for vast swaths of the population.

As has been shown in parts of Asia, these problems can be alleviated over time with robust investment in fossil fuels. Coal and natural gas can provide affordable and reliable electricity, and natural gas can immediately reduce deaths from the pollution of dirty cooking fuels.

Sub-Saharan Africa has ample fossil fuel resources: Nigeria, Congo, Gabon, and Chad have oil reserves, while Nigeria also has the largest natural gas reserves on the continent. The energy is there for the taking. And the bar is set so low now that it wouldn't take a great deal to make a huge impact on the lives of millions of Africans. But climate scolds don't want that to happen, campaigning instead for expensive and unreliable "green" sources.

Always pay attention to what Democrats do, not what they say. 

Biden and Kamala claim they care about secure borders, the rule of law, and the Constitution but some of their first actions included a massive number of executive orders which facilitated the flooding of America with illegals. 

They claim they care about women, science,  freedom of choice and their privacy but they dictatorially require women to compete against men and to share their locker rooms with men. Heck, they say they can't even define what a woman is. 

They claim they care about poor and minority children but they continually block their opportunity to go to better schools. 

They claim they care about inflation but they support bigger government, more regulations, higher taxes, and the destruction of companies that produce reasonably priced energy. 

They claim they want people of all races to have opportunities in the private sector but their policies for sixty years have encouraged the breakup of the family and more dependence on the government. Their policies have led to single parenthood and generational poverty. 

They claimed that all of the dictatorial edicts that kept schools and businesses closed during COVID were based on science but they were just pulled out of thin air. 

They claim they care about the Constitution but they want to stack the Supreme Court to get the rulings they like, and they dictatorially and unconstitutionally use taxpayer dollars and borrowed money to pay off hundreds of billions of student loans.

They claim that the Justice Department is non-partisan and only cares about the rule of law but it is clearly used to target Trump and his supporters. 

They claim they care about corruption and the rule of law but they have never prosecuted Biden or Hillary no matter how many crimes they commit. 

They claim they are the party of empathy and they care about all deaths yet they rarely say a word about all the deaths caused by illegals. 

They claim that all women should be believed and that they care about women who are assaulted but they never cared about accusations against Bill Clinton, Biden, or Kamala's husband. 

They claim they care about misinformation and plagiarism but they spread lies every day and most of the media not only doesn't care, they participate in spreading the misinformation. 

The above is a small sample of things Democrats say that are different than what they do. 

The choice in this election is easy. If you want a smaller government, less inflation, more freedom, vote for Trump. If you want to continue sending America towards collapse, vote for Kamala.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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