October 7 and its depressing, clarifying aftermath

Exactly one year ago today, around 6,000 men from Gaza—a combination of official Hamas soldiers and enthusiastic “civilians,” including UNRWA employees—streamed east into Israel. Their goal was to slaughter Jewish civilians, and they succeeded, mowing down attendees at a music festival and civilians in their homes. They killed almost 1,200 people outright, wounded almost 3,500 more, and kidnapped 251 civilians (including children), 65 of whom are known to be dead.

Those numbers don’t come close to describing the sheer horror of what these men set out to do. Their goal wasn’t just to kill. Instead, they were Orcs. They raped women to death, torturing them in horrible ways during the process, slaughtered babies in the cribs, and murdered parents in front of their children and children in front of their parents. This was not “war,” as Hamas apologists argue—i.e., a principled stand against “colonization.” This was “terrorism” in its purest sense.

For Jews, it was the worst single day since the Holocaust. For Israel specifically, it was the worst single day since the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. To find other such disastrous days for the Jews in Israel, one would have to go back to the Maccabean revolt (167-160 B.C.), the Babylon captivity (early 6th century B.C.), and the Assyrian conquest (the late 8th century B.C.).

AI image by an unknown creator

My point, of course, is that Jews have occupied the same land for almost 4,000 years. The Canaanites are gone, but the Jews are still here. They are the continuing indigenous people, and they’re not leaving.

In an informed and moral world, every nation would have recognized the Jewish right to that tiny bit of land in a sea of Muslim nations and would have recoiled with horror at what happened. That recoiling would have led to unreserved, even enthusiastic, support for Israel’s efforts to defeat Hamas, something done with the lowest civilian casualty rate ever achieved in an urban warfare setting. In Lebanon, Israel achieved a mass military victory that affected only terrorists despite their living and working in a sea of civilians.

Sadly, we live in a world that is neither informed nor moral.

Instead, we live in a world shaped by Karl Marx, a self-loathing Jewish convert who baked hatred for Jews into communism. Add in the left’s hatred for America, for capitalism, and for whites, and you have the perfect storm.

(Regarding race, it’s worth noting here that Israel is probably the most multiracial nation in the world, with Jews ranging from the fair-skinned Ashkenazi to the somewhat darker Sephardim to the brown-skinned Mizrahi to the black Ethiopians, and that doesn’t even consider the many Southeast Asian Indians and Filipinos who now live and work in Israel or Israel’s the Druze and Arab citizens.)

This is a world in which American campuses were overrun with demands for Israel’s destruction (“From the river to the sea...”), a cry taken up by administrators and faculty, as well as students. It was a world in which the all-female presidents of some of America’s most prestigious colleges and universities were unable when under oath to disavow antisemitism.

This is a world where the top team in the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris and sort-of President Joe Biden, while paying lip service to Israel’s travails, reserve their real tears for the people in Gaza who supported and celebrated the October 7 attack, and then housed kidnapped civilians, using them as slaves, both sexual and otherwise.

And yes, Biden has authorized sending weapons to Israel (weapons Israel pays for), but he’s done so on a foot-dragging timetable that has severely hampered Israel’s war efforts. Even worse, he’s consistently demanded a ceasefire in the face of Israel’s military successes.

The only reason to do this is to allow Hamas to reconstitute and fight another day. He’s now doing the same for Hezbollah’s benefit. On Saturday, the same Democrat administration that’s slow-walking aid to Israel and, let us not forget, to North Carolina announced that it’s giving $157 million taxpayer dollars to aid Lebanese civilians, people who are either complicit with or desperate to be free from the yoke of Hezbollah.

It’s almost as if Harris and Biden have forgotten that both Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies, that Hezbollah has been responsible for thousands of American deaths in Iraq (and, of course, the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing), and that both organizations are Iranian proxies. Iran, in turn, is the world’s largest funder of terrorism and has been in open, unembarrassed war against America since 1979. Or maybe they haven’t forgotten, and I leave you to contemplate the implications of that possibility.

The rest of the world is no better, although more honest than the duplicitous Harris-Biden administration. The UN General Assembly voted that Israel must leave the oldest parts of Jerusalem, an area that matters to the world only because the Jews made it matter almost 4,000 years ago. The UK and France, both of which have huge Muslim populations thanks to their immigration policies, have now stopped supplying weapons to the world’s only Jewish nation as it fights an existential war.

Still, while we do not live in a moral world, we have achieved moral clarity since October 7. Israel is a light shining on the two sides of the moral coin.

On the one side, we have a pagan death cult, garbed alternately in Muslim extremism and leftism. On the Muslim side, the death cult demands the death, enslavement, and subjugation of Jews, Christians, Hindus, women, homosexuals and, depending on which Muslim cult is in charge, the wrong types of Muslims.

On the leftist side, the death cult demands the culling of the human race to satisfy Gaia’s needs, along with humanity’s subjugation to a one-world government that has already established itself in mansions filled with luxury goods. Meanwhile, the rest of us will labor in an impoverished, lawless, border-free world, eating bugs, wearing sackcloth, freezing in the winter and baking in the summer, watching our sterile children mentally break down as they’re denied the reality of their own bodies, and generally bowing down in obedience to the well-armed, brutal, self-styled elite who rule over us.

On the other side of this moral coin is the world of the Bible and the Constitution. And no, you don’t have to accept the Bible as the Word of God to accept that its moral and practical precepts, when combined with the Constitution, created the freest world with the highest standard of living for the greatest number of people in human history.

This world values the individual, beginning at conception; recognizes that we are the earth’s stewards, free to take the earth’s bounty but morally barred from despoiling it; thinks that the rule of law, evenly applied, benefits all, especially the weak; views government as a necessary evil that must be constrained; believes in borders; does not place a value on skin color but cares deeply about moral worth, individual responsibility, and hard work; knows that biological sex is real; and so much more.

You know this world. You grew up in it. It had its flaws, but it was truly the best there is and that there ever was—and all of it is now at risk because of October 7, 2023, and the moral (or immoral) choices the West has been making ever since.


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