Netanyahu was right to rebuke France’s Macron

Everyone thinks they have the proper “solution” to what’s happening in Israel, without really having a firm understanding of what’s happening.

This week will mark the one-year point in which Hamas invaded Israel, resulting in the murder in one day of over 1,200 Israelis, the raping and torturing of Israeli women, and the taking of 250 Israeli hostages, thereby igniting a war that is still ongoing today. As we commemorate that horrible day, many are speaking up about Israel doing the “right thing” in terms of a ceasefire.

May I point out to all those pontificators that anyone can parrot slogans without seeing the facts at hand. Hamas, Hezb’allah, Fatah, and Iran are filled with tyrants that want nothing more than violence and atrocity. Israel is now fighting to keep its people safe, finally responding in a measured, yet very significant way, battling on multiple fronts against a savage enemy that has repeatedly targeted Israel’s civilian population with rocket attacks and shootings.

And yet we now see Emmanuel Macron, the French president, once again proclaiming that an immediate ceasefire is the proper solution. In an interview earlier this week, Macron noted, “I think that today, the priority is that we return to a political solution, that we stop supplying weapons to lead the fighting in Gaza.”

Now that Israel is winning, all of Macron’s sympathy from October 7 seems to have faded. Israel needs weapons to fight against its enemies. Saying that we have a “right to defend ourselves” means nothing if we don’t have the equipment to hit back.

Macron made it clear that “France is not supplying them,” and noted that “a resentment that is being born, a hatred that is being fueled by this,” and that Lebanon shouldn’t be turned into another Gaza.

So… cutting off weapons to Israel in their fight against the ones that are supplying this hatred is the answer? Aren’t they literally being hand a victory by refusing to provide Israel with the proper gear to not only stand its ground, but to win decisively?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sounded off on the matter, and rightfully so. “As Israel fights the forces of barbarism led by Iran, all civilized countries should be standing firmly by Israel’s side.” As you can see, not everyone is willing to see that side, seeing them as a falsely labeled “inhumane” enemy in this matter.

“Yet, President Macron and other Western leaders are now calling for arms embargoes against Israel. Shame on them.”

Absolutely agreed. Again, we did not start this fight. But we have set forth to make sure it is properly finished. Cutting off our supplies at a time of need not only gives the enemy the advantage, but also creates a vacuum via the media and social leaders indicating that Israel simply cannot win this fight.

We can and we will.

It is a matter of staying strong and not losing any ground against our enemies. That is why Macron should take a very close look at what is happening and maybe not suggest disarming the ones that are fighting the most justified war since World War II. If Macron wants to call for someone to be disarmed, then start with Iran and its proxies. This is a war of good against evil. Macron and other leaders of the free world will have to choose.

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, is the author of seven books, including his latest, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, which has recently been made into a movie. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.

Image: Кабінет Міністрів України via Wikipedia

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