Netanyahu tries to protect U.N. peacekeepers

As the war between Israel and Hezb’allah continues to escalate, many are getting caught in the crossfire. Including several U.N. peacekeepers.

But despite the accusations of some countries, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is looking out for their best interests, as he continues Israel’s pursuit to defeat its enemies.

Several reports indicate that, over the past few days, five UNIFIL peacekeepers taking part in a mission in Lebanon have been wounded. Several countries that contribute to the United Nations believe they were injured due to the ground invasion launched by Israel.

These countries banded together in a declaration that they “strongly condemn recent attacks on UNIFIL peacekeepers,” noting that “such actions must stop immediately and should be adequately investigated.”

The Israeli military has been making unprecedented efforts during this war to assure the safety of civilians, and UNIFIL as well. Recently, Netanyahu put out a statement, calling for United Nations peacekeepers to leave Lebanon, as the fighting intensifies in Israel’s defensive war against Hezb’allah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the head of the octopus, Iran.

He made the statement directly to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who has been banned from entering Israel (and rightfully so), noting that putting them in the country in the first place has been “providing a human shield” for Hezb’allah.

"We regret the injury to the UNIFIL soldiers and we are doing everything in our power to prevent this injury. But the simple and obvious way to ensure this is simply to get them out of the danger zone," he noted.

Exactly. Israel is fighting the good fight here, the most just war since World War II, and the United Nations is putting these peacekeepers in harm’s way. Peacekeeping forces are sometimes needed when transitioning to peacetime, but there hasn’t been peace here in decades.

As Netanyahu demanded, “Mr. Secretary-General, get the UNIFIL forces out of harm’s way. It should be done right now, immediately.” I couldn’t agree more.

But, of course, the United Nations refused to heed this warning and will continue to endanger its peacekeepers as a result. "There was a unanimous decision to stay because it's important for the UN flag to still fly high in this region, and to be able to report to the Security Council," UNIFIL spokesman Andrea Tenenti recently told the AFP.

Yes, this is seriously happening. As war escalates in the region, bullets are flying and rockets are being fired, and the United Nations is voting to stay put. Are you familiar with the “This is fine” GIF, where a dog sits there and sips coffee as his house burns to the ground? That’s the equivalent of this. Everything is not fine.

The U.N. has been butting heads with Israel for the longest time now, charging Israel with creating devastation in the Middle East, while its own bodies, such as UNIFIL and UNRWA, happily cavort with and cooperate with Hamas and Hezb’allah terrorists. But Netanyahu continues the fight for his beloved Israel, in the hopes of securing peace and giving his people the solace they deserve. Simultaneously, Hezb’allah has UNIFIL as its international human shield, setting its soldiers up for death, courtesy of the United Nations.

I do hope that a resolution is found soon. Like Israel’s people, these peacekeepers deserve to be safe and out of harm’s way. They shouldn’t be in the midst of a firefight, as that puts them at a great deal of risk. But Israel isn’t to blame here, as the United Nations continues its dangerous anti-Israel obsessive politics.

Hamas in Gaza and Hezb’allah in Lebanon have been playing this evil game of using human shields for years, but now their willing partner, the UN, has been caught with its pants down, and it’s not a pretty sight.

David Rubin, former Mayor of Shiloh, Israel, is the author of seven books, including his latest, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel, which has recently been made into a movie. Rubin is the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack

Image: UN 

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