Most people don’t realize that this is a ‘war’ election

The media, the apathetic populace, and even the candidates themselves fail to recognize that Election 2024 is about World War III.

Some polls say that the average American man will vote for the candidate who promises good jobs that can support a family. Other polls say that the average American woman will vote for the candidate who promises unrestricted abortion access and the so-called constitutional right to kill the unborn child at any time, a barbaric procedure that is now referred to as “care.” Some folks feel the most important issue is illegal immigration. Other folks feel the most important issue is inflation, the high cost of living.

There is a clip of Trump at the end of September saying, “Let's get some peace. We need peace. We need to stop the death and destruction, don't you think? Wouldn't that be nice?”

This clip can no longer be found on Google or YouTube. The mainstream American media, i.e. the government news, do not want a peace candidate. Peace is not popular in DC these days.

During President Biden’s State of the Union Address in March of 2024, he assured the nation that “Russia will not stop at Ukraine.” The American “Uniparty” politicians in the “sacrosanct” chamber roared and cheered, begging for nuclear war with Russia. Biden was referring to the domino theory, the same dubious theory that fooled Americans into backing the Vietnam War. Fifty-eight thousand dead Americans later, the “experts” discovered that it was a civil war we should not have been involved in.

How long will the Russian bear be provoked before the bear takes out a European city or the nuclear silos in the Western US and then an American city? (Russia, as you may know, holds the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, more than any other country, with around 6,000 nuclear warheads.) Why is no one in our government calling for peace talks?

How long will the enemies of Israel allow America to be untouched? When will they target the United States with a nuclear missile to prove to us that the Atlantic and Pacific oceans cannot insulate Americans from foreign war zones?

When a thousand years of civilization-building evaporates, and the Western world is in ruins—and when you’re hungry and have a terminal mysterious form of cancer, and you have no children to turn to—you will only be able to wish that the extremely wealthy unelected warmongers (the entrenched puppet masters) had been stopped sooner.

Vote like your life depends on it because it does.

Image by AI.

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