More media lies

During the VP debate, one of the smug TV “news” moderators insisted: “Scientists are saying that climate change is making hurricanes larger, stronger, and more deadly.” 

Wrong. Just flat 100% wrong. An actual scientist, Gregory Wrightstone, says so.

“… it’s not just me that’s saying that,” says Wrightstone. “I’m using data from the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, from NASA, even the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change disagrees with her. They all say that there’s been no increase in the big hurricanes.”

But it was nevertheless fraudulently asserted by the so-called “news” moderator as if it is gospel.

The legacy media have long ago dropped any pretense of impartiality, and became unapologetic advocates for global-warming alarmists, Big Government, and everything blessed by the progressive Democratic Party.

Most of you probably are aware of the baked-in bias of these so-called journalists. For those who still give the media the benefit of the doubt, who still believe you’re getting truthful accounts from them, I recommend heartily that you read Michael Walsh’s book, Against the Corporate Media: Forty-two Ways the Press Hates You.

Inside you’ll find indisputable truths such as:

“…we have come full circle to the days of naked partisanship that marked the earliest American newspapers. Gossip has become news, journalistic crusades are fabricated out of whole cloth and attributed to anonymous sources as justification. It’s noteworthy that the word ‘objectivity’ nowhere appears in the current [Society of Professional Journalists] code, which was revised in 2014. Why would it? Objectivity has become the mortal enemy of the current vogue for ‘explanatory’ or ‘advocacy’ journalism -- otherwise generally known as propaganda.”

“The transformation of journalism from rank advocacy to lukewarm “objectivity” and back to even ranker political propaganda (nearly all news stories today are couched in political terms, including those about pop music and sports) is one of the principal subjects of this book.”

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Arm yourself to recognize and fend off the propaganda war waged by Woke Media, the mouthpiece of the politically correct. Realize they don’t work for you. They work for those who need you to believe their lies, like CO2 making hurricanes deadlier.

Mark Landsbaum is a Christian retired journalist, former investigative reporter, editorial writer, and columnist.  He also is a husband, father, grandfather, and Dodgers fan.  He can be reached at

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