More allegations emerge about Tim Walz and teenage boys

Rumors of Tim Walz’s alleged sexual peccadillos are surfacing. Because Tim Walz is the vice-presidential candidate for a major political party, the mere fact these detailed charges exist is newsworthy. Remember: These are allegations, not proven facts.

The following are the tweets from Black Insurrectionist (“BI”) with the new charges, as well as some rebuttals.

Introductory tweet. Here, BI sets up the premise. The primary takeaways are that BI manipulated messages to remove private information, the Trump campaign is investigating the accusations, and none of the accusers has yet agreed to speak publicly.

First tweet. BI publishes an email he received in August claiming that Walz, then a potential Veep pick, had skeletons in his closet from his time as a teacher in Nebraska.

Second tweet. BI publishes a second email he received from the same person.

Interjectory tweet number one. BI explains that someone created fake tweets under BI’s name.

Third tweet. BI publishes another message from the alleged whistleblower begging for BI’s attention, along with his response demanding details.

The “readers added context” links to a post by Agent Self FBI, who asserts that the alleged emails are all faked. His primary proof is the fact that the dates appear with different formatting in different emails:

Because different email services use different date protocols, and users can change some of them, it would be helpful to see the metadata from all the emails that BI uses to support his allegations against Tim Walz.

Fourth tweet. BI claims to have talked with the Tim Walz whistleblower, who then sent him a message describing going to a concert with Gwen and Tim Walz. In the alleged email, the narrator explains that, when he was 14, Tim and Gwen Walz befriended him and invited him to an Indigo Girls concert. During the concert, Walz talked about the lyrics and told the boy he was gay while rubbing the boy’s back.

Commenters allege that the document’s formatting shows that the message is either totally fake or manipulated.

BI responded with a tweet explaining some of those formatting anomalies:

Fifth tweet. A long video purportedly showing BI writing to the White House to ask about the accusations against Tim Walz and then pressing the send button—making his inquiry part of the official record.

Sixth tweet. Within a week or so of BI writing to the White House, Them, an LGBTQ+ ezine, published an article about how Tim and Gwen took Jacob Reitan, a gay student to the Indigo Girls concert. Reitan, a member of the Gay Student Alliance that Walz sponsored, explains that he was thrilled by Walz’s support because he experienced homophobic abuse in high school. Reitan later became a gay activist.

At this point, MAGA supporter and Trump impressionist extraordinaire Shawn Farash chimed into the comments to express concern about formatting issues in the emails BI has been publishing.

Seventh tweet. BI posts a letter graphically describing the relationship Walz had with the alleged whistleblower during and after the Indigo Girls concert. The author describes Gwen as an accomplice, Tim giving the boy a blowjob, distinct physical characteristics about Tim’s body, Tim explaining his bisexuality, the boy leaving the school district in 1995, a fight between the boy and Tim about Tim’s practice of taking students to Indigo Girl concerts, leading to Tim’s getting the DUI, and the claim that there were 10-12 sexual interactions.

Interjectory tweet number two. BI responds to charges about email formatting and explains that he used multiple email accounts.

Eighth tweet. A purported screen recording of a message BI sent to the White House.

Ninth tweet. A purported screen recording of a message BI sent to the Harris-Walz campaign.

Tenth tweet. BI claims that when Walz left Alliance High School in 1996, he didn’t voluntarily resign. Instead, it was a forced resignation.

Eleventh tweet. BI reproduces what he says are the Alliance High School Board of Education minutes from July 1, 1996. Regarding Tim Walz, they state, “A motion was made by Aldinger and seconded by Moore to accept the Resignations of Tim Walz, Gwen Walz and Byron Green. The motion carried unanimously.”

Commenters note that teachers routinely resign. BI contends that he’s got more information.

Twelfth tweet. BI asserts that three months before Walz resigned, the Board approved Walz’s “Professional Leave Request.” BI alleges that this was because the parents of the allegedly abused boy had complained, leading to Walz addressing his alcohol abuse. BI says “private” minutes exist.

Thirteenth tweet. A recording of a message that BI sent to the Harris-Walz campaign.

BI also posted two tweets showing receipts from his August emails to the White House (see here and here).

BI concludes with a statement from Walz’s alleged victim. The author contends that he was not Walz’s only victim, that he went to two concerts (Indigo Girls and Alabama) and to China with Tim, that Tim got the DUI following an evening out with the writer, that the writer expects retaliation, that Tim has unique physical markings on his chest, upper thigh, and arm, and that the writer plans to hire an attorney, through whom he’ll speak in the future.

It’s impossible to know from the available information if any of this is true. However, just as the MSM would report on these types of allegations if they were made against Trump or Vance, the non-MSM should report that these allegations exist against Tim and Gwen Walz.

These claims should be quickly but thoroughly investigated. If they are false, Tim Walz deserves to be exonerated from any suspicion of wrongdoing. If they are true, he can still be tried for statutory rape in Nebraska and will have proven that he is unfit to become America’s Veep—and Kamala, by failing to investigate his bona fides, is unfit to be president.

Image by AI.



I'm back with another podcast in this ongoing experiment. Rather than larding this post with video embeds, here are links where you can find the podcast, which discusses the Harris campaign’s and the Democrat party’s inherent racism, the joke on the Democrats regarding Trump’s upcoming Madison Square Garden rally (plus the usual defamation against Trump), Kamala Harris’s transgender policies, and a lovely pro-Trump message from Stanley Kubrick’s daughter.


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