Minnesota: Uniquely imbecilic politically?

States like California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and New York have long been hotbeds of leftist thinking and societal experimentation.

Which is why so many folks have fled them for elsewhere, usually red states.

Yet, if we go back far enough, we find that California gave us Ronald Reagan, Illinois gave us Abraham Lincoln, and Massachusetts gave us John Adams. And, just recently, New York bequeathed us Donald J. Trump.

Which led me to this thought: Minnesota is uniquely imbecilic, politically speaking. The Land of 10,000 Lakes, while beautiful, has also spawned about the same number of whacko politicians.

These include, but are by no means limited to, “Gov. Goofy,” Jessie “The Body” Ventura (who wasn’t Gov. Goofy), Rep. Ilhan Omar (who apparently temporarily married her brother), Al Franken, Tim Walz … and communists (but I repeat myself) like Gus Hall, who ran for president on four separate occasions, the last time in 1984. Gus was General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) from 1959 until his death in 2000.  (Poor Gus might have just been about four decades ahead of the curve. He might have a fighting chance today.)

What’s more, the Loony State voted against Ronald Reagan in both 1980 and 1984 -- the only state to do so in the latter election, in which it voted for yet another ultra-liberal, home-grown embarrassment named Walter Mondale. (Known to many as Walter “Mondull.”)

And now Tim Walz, who appears to be a big fan of Chinese-style communism as well as Tampons in boys bathrooms, is running for vice president so that he can help do to the country what he has done to Minnesota.

Which is gleefully preside over a burning city, increased crime rates, a vanishing surplus, and the rapid collapse of the once impressive Minnesota school system. But again, to be fair, he is holding fast to his vow to insert feminine hygiene products into boys’ bathrooms across the North Star state. Joy!

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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