Mika Brzezinski takes 'crazy' to a new level

I thought perhaps I’d seen and heard it all, and that those on The Left couldn’t possibly attain a higher level of hypocrisy and insanity.

I see now that I was mistaken.

There is batsh*t crazy … and then there is Mika Brzezinski crazy.

Mika used a recent Morning Joe broadcast on Fake News MSNBC to embark on a rant so unhinged and unmoored from reality that it boggles the mind.

She bizarrely stated: “As important as Trump’s fascism is,” before asserting “it’s the lead story every day” and referring to “his cozying up to, uh, dictators.”

She not only called Trump a fascist, as if everyone knows this unassailable fact, but implied fascism is very important to his identity. And then averred that Trump has somehow been snuggling/spooning with the likes of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

But she was just getting started. She referenced “what he has said about our veterans” and “what he wants to do with the military against his political adversaries.”

Unlike Democrats and their organ grinder monkeys in the mainstream media, Trump truly respects the military, the individuals that comprise it, and veterans in general. And it is the Democrat Party, as evidenced by the Obama-Biden-Harris administration, that has weaponized the military against its enemies … i.e., American citizens who have the temerity to publicly disagree with its agenda.

For the vast majority of folks, this would have been enough stupid slander for a lifetime, but not for Mika, who was almost foaming at the mouth now. She then asserted, “He is killing us. I’m talking about us women. He’s killing us.”

He is? Are women’s bodies being piled up like cordwood somewhere where we can’t see them?

Ah, of course, she was referring to Trump being insufficiently thrilled by abortion.

So she said: “He’s making us afraid to have babies.” This is the Mother of All Non Sequiturs.

Trump certainly does not want women to be afraid to have babies, Mika. You just told us women like you want to get pregnant so you can abort your babies. You are the ones, definitionally, who don’t wish to have babies. And logic has been aborted with your babies. (Incidentally, thanks for not calling them ‘fetuses.’ And for, apparently, being able to recognize what a ‘woman’ is.) And, by-the-way, Trump is on record as being against blanket bans on abortion -- and merely wants to return the issue to the states.

Mika, on the verge of tears -- crocodile or otherwise -- then claimed that all the preposterously negative stories on Trump were the result of “very good reporting” that “shouldn’t be questioned by idiots.”

Got that, rubes? We idiots have no damn right to question our superiors, whether they be in government or media.

The United States is the only country in history to have a government instituted expressly to protect its citizens from … abuses by government. That is why it has been so successful -- and beloved by its citizens.

Today’s Democrat party—and its media remoras—hope to fundamentally change that. They wish to destroy democracy (and grant themselves perpetual power) by asserting that they must destroy their opponents in order to prevent ‘our democracy’ from being destroyed.

If we want our children to be prosperous and free, we must abort their plans.

Image: Screen shot from Sky News Australia video, via YouTube

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