Michelle Obama scolds and hectors voters to support Kamala Harris

Michelle Obama is in for the final stretch for Kamala Harris and her floundering, shriveling, presidential campaign.

Lots of Democrats are panicking, of course. But Michelle had a different tack, speaking to potential voters in Michigan: She decided the best way to persuade voters to vote for Harris is to hector them:


I gotta ask myself why on Earth is this race even close? I, I, I lay awake at night wondering what in the world is goin' on? And it's clear to me that the question isn't whether Kamala is ready for this moment, because by every measure she has demonstrated that she's ready. The real question is, as a country, are we ready for this moment?

That'll rope 'em in.

Had enough?

Oh, but she's got more, lighting up the great gaslights:

Which effectively describes what Kamala's campaign has been like, not Trump's.

She's got a special little cold spot for men all throughout the speech, who as voters are avoiding Harris in droves:


We have every right to demand that our, the men in our lives, do better by us. We have to use our voices to make these choices clear to the men that we love: Our lives are worth more than their anger and disappointment. And we are more than just babymaking vessels. And if you are a woman who lives in a household of men that don't listen to you or value your opinion, just remember that your vote is a private matter, regardless of the political views of your partner. You get to choose, you get to use your judgment and cast your vote for yourself and the women in your life. Remember, women, standing up for what is best for us for us can make the difference in this election.

As Steve Friend observed:

Who is she talking about? Most women who favor abortion on demand have partners who are even more favorable to abortion given its usefulness for evading child support payments.

As for 'do better by us,' that's weird stuff, given that half of women don't favor abortion at all. Who is this 'us' you speak of, Kemosabe?

But more to the point, what's with the hectoring? Is she saying men are oppressive of women and anti-abortion while protagonist women are all for it? She's not exactly describing the real world as we know it. And why is it that men are the problem on this issue, which is Kamala's only issue apparently, never mind the border, or inflation, or national security?

There's a reason Kamala Harris is having trouble winning over the male vote -- she's a bad candidate, she won't answer questions, and she has a really repulsive excuse for a husband who's being billed as the new model for masculinity, and doesn't seem to know much about any issues other than abortion.

No guy likes that. Nor to they like being nagged and hectored and abused as inadequate. If Michelle was targeting men, what she was really doing was reminding them of all the reasons why they didn't want Harris as president.

And yet Kamala Harris is so desperate, she thinks the Obamas can save her.

Michelle has a long history of using this approach to persuasion, having once said that she was only proud of her country for voting for Obama, and apparently never before or since.

Now she's putting out the same tack to win over male voters, who already are turned off to Harris as a candidate. There probably isn't a better way of sealing the deal against voting for her than this.

She repels so broadly with this scolding approach she repels not only men, but women, too. Even my cat on my lap, whose ears went back and left the room at the sound of her grating, hectoring voice, was repelled. The cat didn't like the sound of what she was saying at all.

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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