Mexico sues American gun makers

Did you know Mexico is suing American gun manufacturers? Mexico, the country laughing at Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for their immigration fecklessness? The failed state run by drug cartels making billions off child sex trafficking and drugs that are killing hundreds of thousands of Americans? The failed state making all of America’s problems—to be fair with the willing complicity of Harris/Biden’s handlers—worse? That Mexico? That Mexico.

It's a ten billion dollar suit, as if they’re not making enough already from their daily degradation of America and the billions of remittances sent to Mexico by millions upon millions of illegals. 

I know what you’re thinking: “what the actual Hell?!” Why would any American court even entertain such an absurd notion? Isn’t this the sort of thing that should be resolved through diplomacy, treaties ratified by the Senate and all that sovereign nation stuff? Yes, it’s absurd. Yes, it should be resolved through diplomacy, though any sane POTUS would tell Mexico to knock it off or we’ll put 200% tariffs on everything they want to export and we’ll tax remittances at the same rate—Donald Trump, call your office. Senate ratification of treaties is so yesterday in the Harris/Biden era of rule by executive order. And no, where Mexico and pretty much the rest of the world is concerned, America is no longer a sovereign nation. Not only can anyone come here for any reason, they don’t have to assimilate and we have to support them forever, which is why FEMA is out of money to help the victims of Helene. DHS disaster Mayorkas spent it all on Illegals.  

Fortunately, the Supreme Court has granted cert: 

The Supreme Court said Friday it will decide whether to block a $10 billion lawsuit Mexico filed against leading U.S. gun manufacturers over allegations their commercial practices have helped caused much bloodshed there.

The gun makers asked the justices to undo an appeals court ruling that allowed the lawsuit to go forward despite broad legal protections for the firearm industry.

Graphic: Twitter (X) Screenshot

This refers to the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), which was enacted in 2005 to end lawfare against gunmakers for producing legal products. Fading President Biden constantly argues gun makers have absolute immunity. He lies. The PLCAA only shuts off lawfare designed to bankrupt firearm makers, but allows normal torts for negligence, manufacturing defects and the like. One would think that prohibition would also apply to nations suing gun makers, but America has its share of stupid, anti-American judges:

But the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals revived the case under an exception to that law. The gunmakers appealed that ruling to the Supreme Court, arguing they have followed lawful practices and the case has no business in American courts.

Gun makers are right on both counts, and two federal judges have previously thrown out most, if not all allegations of the suit, which has set up the split in lower courts the Supreme Court usually favors before granting cert.

It was the blatantly obvious efforts of anti-liberty/gun politicians and organizations, and greedy lawyers, that sparked a truly bi-partisan vote of the Congress to pass the PLCAA. We’ll probably never see that again. Mexico’s suit is a no less blatant attempt to destroy America’s firearm industry, badly harming our national security, further dragging down the economy and putting additional billions into the pockets of corrupt Mexican politicians and their cartel masters. Gun makers might even be forced to move to Mexico, further boosting the cartels and damaging America’s economy.

Contemporary American gun grabbers are surely supportive of Mexico’s efforts. If successful, Mexico wouldn’t be able to immediately disarm Americans, but they’re perhaps adopting the Chinese long view of shutting off the American gun supply. Any future Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) government would further shut the door by cutting off all foreign gun supplies. 

This would inevitably result in an expensive but booming black market in gun making. But by that point, America would surely have devolved to civil war and secession, making such arguments academic. Every gun maker would have already moved to red states and business would be booming (pun intended).

Hopefully, the Supreme Court will continue upholding the Constitution and American sovereignty and prerogatives. We can expect that with the current composition of the Court, where at least five justices, perhaps six, can be reasonably relied upon to make legal, not political, judgments. That’s why D/s/cs are so desperate to disarm Americans and why they’re so desperate to pack the Supreme Court and abolish the Electoral College.

Just one more consequential issue on the ballot in November.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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