Maybe our intelligence agencies have misplaced priorities

Iran, Hamas, and other Iran-sponsored terrorist groups have targeted Israel and the U.S. for destruction for years. 

But somehow, our intelligence experts never caught wind of all these meetings by Hamas for years where they planned the attack on Israel. 

Secret Documents Show Hamas Planned Oct. 7 for Years, Delayed Massacre As They Begged for Allies

The New York Times reported Saturday that they had obtained minutes from secret Hamas meetings that were seized by the Israeli military, and they provide some stunning — and concerning — revelations. The intel comes from the minutes of 10 planning meetings by Hamas leaders where they strategized about the October 7 attack on Israel, which they dubbed “the big project.”

They also don’t seem to spot all the terrorists coming across the border, even though they know that the Biden-Harris administration has been letting unvetted people from around the world come in.  They know that many people  are coming in from countries that hate us, but we never hear a word about how dangerous that is. 

Instead, we are told that Trump and his supporters are the dangerous ones.

A.G. Garland also rarely if ever says much about the gangs and cartels.  Instead, he is really focused on parents, pro-life people, Catholics, and other Trump-supporters.  I wonder why the majority of the country thinks it is going in the wrong direction. 

Intelligence professionals who couldn’t spot the plans to attack Israel somehow were willing to lie that the Biden laptop looked like Russian disinformation without even looking at it. The intelligence agencies and Justice Department also never cared that Joe Biden was flying Hunter around the world, collecting millions from our enemies. 

But most of the media pretend that the Biden-Harris foreign and domestic policies are great and Trump is dangerous. 

The media are pretty worthless when they care so little about our safety. 

<p><em>Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY 2.0</a> (cropped).</em></p>

Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center via Flickr, CC BY 2.0 (cropped).

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