Liberalism’s fatal mistake

Elite liberals are still reveling over how they stole the 2020 election with the help of establishment Republican officials in key states and counties. 

For liberals, it was a smashing defeat of Donald Trump’s outsider power grab. Even better, it smashed the traditional American values and culture revered by the knuckle-dragging deplorables they hate. 

That election theft was their fatal error. 

Trump’s first term saw him impeached and vilified as an ultimate villain. 

Establishment Republicans he appointed viciously betrayed Trump and his agenda. Attorney General William Barr lied and undercut Trump at every turn. The FBI’s Christopher Wray choked investigations into liberal crimes and covered them up while encouraging lawfare attacks on Trump. The CIA and other agencies did everything they could to harm Trump. 

Liberal deep-state bureaucrats used all their power to make sure Trump failed. 

When the liberals stole the 2020 election, they celebrated the final victory. Trump was done. His deplorable supporters were thwarted once again. Case closed. War won. 

Liberals are so blinded by their fairy tales and so ignorant of basic human nature that they miss the impact of their electoral crimes on what they believe are ignorant, foolish, deplorable American conservatives. 

Instead of accepting defeat, being intimidated by liberal persecution, and giving up, thousands and thousands of conservatives embraced the suck and started working hard to defeat the liberal coup. 

The liberals’ election theft stung us so badly that we became more angry, better informed, more capable, and ever more dedicated to not only defending traditional American values but to the complete defeat of commie-inspired liberalism. 

Only now are elite liberals beginning to realize that the more they bash Trump, punish his supporters, and defile American values, the stronger their conservative opposition becomes. 

This would not have happened if they had not brazenly stolen the 2020 election. 

If liberals had let Trump’s honest victory stand in 2020:

  1. Deplorable conservatives would not have had an extra four years to awaken and mobilize. 
  2. Many independent and minority voters would not have had four years of dirty liberal government to open their eyes.
  3. Trump would not have been gifted with an extra four years of political center-stage persecution by liberals that made him a martyred hero and ever more respected leader. 
  4. Trump would not have freed himself from reliance on establishment Republicans. 

Liberals began energizing the conservative opposition movement in 2015. At first, they gave Trump plenty of news coverage because they thought he would be the easiest opponent for Hillary Clinton. 

Then, when Trump seized on illegal immigration as a key issue for a majority of Americans, the media turned on Trump with a blizzard of negative coverage. Trump grew stronger. They tried to ignore Trump in the media. Trump grew stronger. 

Every time liberals have tried to destroy Trump with lies or lawsuits, he gets stronger, his support broadens, and the energy and loyalty of his base increases. 

Liberals created the monster that could destroy them. They have angered the now monstrous conservative base that opposes them into believing liberalism must be destroyed if America and the values they revere are to survive. 

All this would not have happened if liberals had never stolen the 2020 election. Unbiased historians will mark this as the liberals’ fatal error, leading to their demise as a viable culture. 

Sure, liberals would have had to endure a second Trump term in 2021. Their deep state could survive that and come back, especially against conservatives that never achieved their current level of anger, organization, and determination caused by an extra four years of persecution. 

Yep, -- the worst error liberals ever made. 

And we ain’t never gonna thank them for creating their own destruction. 

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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