Kamala is the October surprise

Democrats are in disarray and openly talking about losing the election in November.

After Kamala Harris’s disastrous appearance at a CNN Town Hall on Wednesday, even the network’s hyperpartisan Dana Bash said that if her job that night was to close the deal with voters, she wasn’t sure she accomplished it.

Kamala stumbled when questioned on her newfound support for a border wall, exhibited a breathtaking mendacity, and repeated her theme for the night, “Trump is a fascist,” in the most unlikely places. 

Democrats have always believed Republicans are preparing an “October Surprise” to upend the election, and have gone to extraordinary lengths to “pre-bunk” news stories they know will be damaging. 

Remember how they treated the New York Post scoop about Hunter Biden’s laptop in October 2020? Even Attorney General William Barr, no friend of Trump, has said he believes the media blackout on that story probably cost Trump the 2020 election.

This time, there is little the Democrats can do, because the October Surprise is Kamala herself. 

Her abysmal performance in interview after interview with friendly networks has left her partisans openly skeptical of her qualifications to hold the highest office in the land.

Former Obama advisor David Axelrod said in the CNN spin room after the town hall that Kamala had a tendency to head to “word salad city” whenever she was challenged.

Her worst moment was when a Republican man from Pennsylvania who said he remained undecided asked her what she felt were her biggest weaknesses. 

You could almost hear the little gremlins in her brain opening and closing file drawers, searching for the answer. Finally, she came up with this: “I really do value having a team around me of really smart people who bring to my decision-making process different perspectives.”

Given all the reports of the Harris’s inability to retain qualified staff because she dresses them down in obscenity-laden rants, this was laugh-out loud pathetic. Even NPR has reported on the high staff turnover, which has been estimated at 92% during her nearly four years as vice president, according to employment statistics.

And those low moments were not the exception. 

Anderson Cooper, to his credit, asked her what she felt was her biggest mistake as vice president. She replied by saying, “that I probably worked very hard at making sure that I am well versed on issues.”

Given her inability to discuss any issue in anything other than platitudes and repeated talking points, this was a joke.

In the end, the joke will be on the Dems. Whoever would have thought they would be the cause of their own October surprise?

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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