Kamala Harris is good for nothing

Kamala is a good-for-nothing on at least three levels.

First: she is literally “good for nothing.” 

Her career is littered with failures.  Even a distinguished black journalist dared to observe, at great professional peril, her “failing up” the career ladder.  Craig J. DeLuz, writing for the Washington Times, bravely concedes that, “An elected official with a track record of failure spanning her entire political career, Harris has consistently been rewarded with promotions by left-leaning voters.” 

Among her many inadequacies, Mr. DeLuz notes that Kamala was the most left-leaning member of the Senate, all the while achieving the following – nothing

Second: she is “good” for voters who may be lacking a bit of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” gumption.  Lazy constituents who are willing to sacrifice personal dignity by slurping at the government trough interminably.   In return, she expects nothing from them. Money for nothing, especially for illegal aliens.  Her giveaways will increase our national debt; they’ll increase demand while her regulations dampen supply.  Guess what that does to prices?  Further proof that she’s a good-for-nothing pretender.

Third, she is a blank slate; a tabula rasa upon which the leftist intelligentsia will scribble hogwash.  As Bernie Sanders noted, she has not the courage of her convictions, but will say and do anything to become the first female president.

She offers very vague notions of an “opportunity economy” (more giveaways, really), but her promises are good for nothing.  Without specifics, they’re just enough to entice the lefty layabouts, but with enough holes to allow Obama, Bernie, Nancy, and Pochanantas to fill the voids.

A popular idiom is that nature abhors a vacuum.  But Putin and Xi are opportunists who love it as they seek a new world order.  They will swamp Kamala’s nothingness with hard-core hegemonic Realpolitik.   As desperate and dire as the political rally hyperbole may seem, Trump may actually be right in claiming he’ll prevent WWIII.  Under Kamala’s indiscreet indecisions, and appalling appeasement of antagonistic adversaries, the world itself could become nothing.

It’s astonishing that an empty skirt with an empty skull is a serious presidential challenger.  She’s unserious.  She’ll say anything, but mean nothing.  She’s a leftist good-for-nothing, having nothing to offer but fear itself.  I’ve met smarter people with more gravitas in the local Polar Plunge Club (one must be on the lower end of the Bell Curve to voluntarily suffer that cold when there are other ways to reduce swelling, or whatever benefits they hope to derive).   

Jean-Paul Sartre was an existentialist who wrote Being and Nothingness.  That’s not exactly the allusion I’m teasing here, but there’s a parallel:  Kamala is a subsumed by nothingness (minimal consciousness) who poses an existential threat – to all of us.  Trump, and his now impressive array of confidants (compared to last time), will lead us “through the valley of the shadow of death.”  An exhilarating exodus from good-for-nothing leftism into MAGA rapture.

Image: Screen shot from Daily Mail shorts, via YouTube

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