Kamala Harris is an epic failure

Kamala Harris is the Border Czar. Her handlers and she vehemently deny it, and the media, including Google, have done their best to hide it, but prior to Google scrubbing, there were thousands of hits giving Harris that title, and there is video of Joe Biden giving her that title and responsibility. Most Americans, however, don’t know Harris is also the broadband czar and the electric school bus czar--she’d rather they didn’t--and as Deroy Murdock notes at Jewish World Review, she has been a spectacular failure at every one of those jobs.

How bad has she been as Border Czar?  This bad:

 Add 1,664,203 detected-but-uncaught "known gotaways" from Fiscal Year 2021 through FY 2023, and Kamala's illegals rise to at least 9,990,312.

 Under Trump, 11 illegals on the terrorist-watch list were nabbed at the border. Kamala's tenure includes 382 such illegals — up an explosive 3,472%.

 Tsarina Kamala lost 323,000 unaccompanied minors. Monsters, quite literally, are exploiting thousands of them as sweatshop slaves. Even worse, boys and girls are raped routinely as sex slaves.

In 2021 Biden bragged to Congress about making broadband Internet service available to rural America, saying: "I'm asking the vice president to lead this effort, because I know it will get done." As it turns out that was Biden’s dementia talking, and Harris has performed as well at giving Americans broadband as she has at securing our border.

At least $42.45 billion was allocated for rural broadband and not a single American has been connected to the Internet in nearly three years. By comparison, Pete Buttigieg oversaw $7.5 billion with which to build a half million electric vehicle charging stations across America. More than two years later, in a stunning display of governmental efficiency and can-do spirit, Buttigieg has managed to build eight. By any measure, Harris is the winner in the federal waste and incompetence sweepstakes.

But why hasn’t Harris managed to connect at least eight rural households to broadband?

As the senators explained, "burdensome climate change mandates," have stymied progress. So have a nine-step review process and a requirement that participating employers give preference to "individuals with past criminal records." Consequently, Politico reports, "No actual construction projects are expected to begin until at least 2025."

Hooking up homes to broadband damages the climate? There’s a nine-step review process? Employers have to hire convicted criminals? Who could have imagined that might slow things down a bit?

Graphic: X Screenshot

Harris has long been a dimwitted advocate of electrifying transportation, and she’s particularly fond of yellow school buses, like the electric yellow school buses she never rode as a child. That hasn’t worked out well either:

As Thomas Catenacci reported in July 19's Washington Free Beacon, this boondoggle deployed $965 million to ship 2,463 electric school buses (ESBs) to 389 school districts. Two years later, just 60 green buses serve only 27 districts; 55 districts have fled the program.

School districts are turning down free federal money? It’s taxpayer money, but still, they’re not filling their lots with electric school buses?  

The House Energy and Commerce Committee reported last month that diesel-fueled school buses typically cost $100,000. ESBs average $381,190. This nearly 400% higher expense, limited driving range, and poor cold-weather performance have flattened the tires on Kamala's fantasy vehicles.

One of the primary EV bus companies, Proterra, went bankrupt, and parts and service have been a constant problem for every EV manufacturer.

Jackson, Wyoming’s experience with EV buses is illuminating:

The Southern Teton Area Rapid Transit (START) system, a joint operation between Jackson and Teton County, bought eight electric buses to complement its fleet of 31.

But none of the electric buses are running, and so the town’s transit system is relying on its diesel fleet.

At my home blog I wrote about Jackson’s attempt to electrify school buses: 

The Teton County School District #1 was among the 400 school districts across the country that received federal grants to buy an electric school bus.

The district was set to receive more than $200,000 from the EPA’s $1 billion Clean School Bus Program to support the purchase of a new electric bus, but the district will have to return the money.

Jackson, which actually has winter, realized they’d need indoor storage for the buses. Cold dramatically slows charging time and reduces battery capacity and range, to say nothing of the electric infrastructure they’d need to build. They had neither and realized building both would be far too expensive.

This is why Kamala Harris tends to avoid talking about her accomplishments. She has none, apart from being the first Indian, sort of black, female person of somewhat color ever to be Vice President. Here’s hoping those “qualifications” aren’t sufficient for the presidency.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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