Kamala anchors herself to Biden policies that voters hate

No matter how the media successfully brainwash voters into thinking that Kamala Harris, who began her political career by sleeping with the boss and has never held a real, non-government job, is a better human being than Donald Trump, they’ve been unable to make voters deny the reality of their own lives. That reality, of course, is that they’re not better off now than they were four years ago, and they hate Biden’s policies. However, loving leftist T.V. hosts have asked Kamala about Biden’s policies, and Kamala had no choice but to cheer them on.

One of the most fascinating things that the American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports' polling revealed at the end of September is that while voters may like Kamala, they hate the world the Harris-Biden administration has left them. On the issues that really affect them—illegal immigration, the economy, national security, domestic security, their children’s futures (including their sexuality)—voters overwhelmingly dislike the world that the Harris-Biden administration has created. They also know that Donald Trump is the person most capable of improving these problems.

As a campaigner, Kamala Harris cannot separate herself from this reality: her team has made America worse, and she’s running to keep that team in office. What this means is that when leftist TV hosts try to give Kamala an opening to separate herself from Biden, she can’t do it.

Thus, when she appeared on The View, Kamala was stuck when one of the resident race hustlers, Sunny Hostin, asked, “If anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years?” Kamala confessed that she would have done exactly as Biden did:

The same thing happened when Steven Colbert, who wants only to bathe Kamala in love, asked much the same question, although Kamala opted for a stupid joke (“I’m obviously not Joe Biden... I’m not Donald Trump”) before going into her usual meaningless blather:

Aside from the fact that Kamala is a slow thinker who’s always locked into a memorized patter (although she should have known to memorize an answer to this one), she has another problem, which is the boasts that Biden, Kamala, and the media were making to promote her: Biden has said that Kamala was with him every step of the way, as well as insisting that Kamala “was a major player in everything we’ve done.” Kamala herself has boasted she was the last person to leave the room when Biden decided upon the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 Americans dead. And, of course, although the media have tried to deny it, there’s no doubt that she was the “border czar.”

The election comes down to a simple question: Will voters vote according to the “feelz” that the Democrat machine has inculcated into them, the one that says Harris is an angel and Trump a devil, or will they vote according to the reality they see, which is that Biden has devastated their lives in myriad ways and that Harris, as even she cannot deny, was on the front line for all of this?

Image: X screen grab.

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