Israel needs to end Iranian tyranny

The Biden-Harris administration is requesting — in fact, demanding — that Israel not attack Iran’s nuclear sites as part of Israel’s strategy to destroy Hamas, Hezb’allah, and the other terrorist agencies bent on Israel’s destruction.  This smacks of the Harold Ramis, et al. iconic scene of “Thank you sir, may I have another?” from Animal House, the 1978 comedy hit.  It is also reminiscent of  Charles Schulz’s “Peanuts” character Lucy’s perpetual abuse of Charlie Brown, who wanted to kick the football that Lucy always snatched away after assuring him that she would not.  In other words, SloJoe and Cackala are calling for perpetuation of Iranian abuses upon the State of Israel.

An argument is made in favor of restricting Israeli strikes to Iranian oil production sites. This argument presumes that without the money from oil, the Iranians will not be able to afford the continuation of their pursuit of a nuclear weapon.  But postponing the destruction of Iranian progress toward completion of a nuke would be foolhardy, if not outright suicidal.  If you keep kicking the can down the road, you will eventually run out of road.  Delaying the reckoning that must come to the Iranian nuclear program is an open invitation for the Iranians to finish production of the weapons necessary to nuke Israel out of existence.

The Obama-crafted Iran deal was the ultimate “your check is in the mail” insult to the intelligence of all who recognize the evil side of human nature.  Iran was willing to be slowed, but the success of its nuclear program was assured.  Donald Trump temporarily put an end to that foolish plan, but the idiots now running our country reinstituted the pact and gave Iran billions of dollars to pursue their goal of destroying Israel.

Saudi Arabia and Jordan would support the destruction of Iran’s nuclear program.  They might not broadcast their condemnation of Iran from the rooftops, but they have spoken clearly enough.  Wiping out Iran’s weapons program is highly unlikely to spark a wider Mideast war, one possibly including the U.S.  That would not happen.

I would urge the Israelis to take a two-pronged approach to their inevitable attack on Iran.  Destroy the nuclear program, and destroy the despotic rulers of that rogue nation.  Destroying those hell-bent on killing you is wise and necessary.

Leave the oil intact. A new Iranian regime would inevitably be formed, one terror-free and Western-leaning enough to put the petrodollars to good use.  It happened there before, during the time of the Shah.  This new leadership would likely require a bit of help from both Israel and the U.S., but it would occur.  The wheels need only be set in motion.  Lucy needs to let Charlie make the kick.  Israel should be unwilling to “have another.”

Bill Hansmann is a dentist and dental educator with over fifty years in the profession.  He continues to teach and write political blogs and semi-mediocre novels while living with his wife and cats in Georgia.

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