Idiot celebrities who sell their souls for Kamala

As Kamala Harris continues to sink in the polls, she enlists a host of A-lister celebs to campaign for her.  Talk about tone-deaf!

Every one of them is filthy rich, with no connection to the working- and middle-class people who support Trump.  Bruce Springsteen, for example, built his song catalogue on the “working man” but has no grasp of how the Biden/Harris regime has so deeply impacted the working and middle classes.  Lizzo is so ignorant that she thinks that “making the whole country like Detroit” is a good thing.  This after she bragged about her “PJ” — her private jet.  The Motor City has been devastated by this administration and their stupid green policies that do nothing for the environment but destroy jobs.

Biden’s E.V. mandates are a joke; electric cars are much worse for the environment than gas-powered cars.  They are ruining our roads and bridges because of the enormous weight of the batteries — those batteries no one yet knows how to safely dispose of when they die.

Then there is Obama, who has been dragged out of his life of wealth and luxury to stump for Harris.  Everyone knows he does not want to be doing this; he knows only too well how inept she is.  The same goes for Bill and Hillary, but it is a safe bet that Hillary secretly wants Harris to lose.  She probably cannot abide a person so deeply flawed as Kamala becoming the first female president. 

Then there are the rappers!  Lizzo, Usherm, and Eminem, the Insane Clown Posse, all multi-millionaires with no clue about how Biden’s inflation has reduced the power of our dollars by half.  Willie Nelson, crusty old pothead that he is, has offered to host a Cannabis Community Zoom call for Harris.  There are those brilliant minds on The View, the show that will cost I.Q. points by the minute — Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, etc., mind-numbed morons all, like that other old lady not known for her brain power, Cher!

Taylor Swift, that shining example of wisdom and judgment, endorsed Harris via Instagram immediately following the Trump/Harris debate.  Her pals John Legend, Cardi B, Billie Eilish, Neil Young, Stevie Nicks, and Beyoncé!  All of them among the wealthiest people in the country, many of whom produce music full of profanity, misogyny, racism, and abuse.  No matter — in Kamala’s world, words don’t mean things.  In Kamala’s world, words are used to confound and conceal, never to answer a question asked. 

Now for the actors, those usual suspects, those boneheads always ready to instruct the rest of us as to how we should vote: George Clooney, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O’Donnell, Jamie Lee Curtis, Cynthia Nixon, Matt Damon, Lin-Manuel Miranda, LeVar Burton, Ken Burns, Mark Hamill, Spike Lee, etc.  They sort of all run together in our minds.  They may all be talented experts in their chosen field — acting, singing, whatever.  But few, if any, have any particular knowledge about how government works.  It is doubtful that any of them have ever bothered to read the Constitution, let alone grasp its brilliance.  Most of them don’t know that we are a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

They, of course, have the right to speak out and to support whatever candidates they choose, but they are all so stunningly arrogant.  These people speak out because they believe that their personal opinions have the power to sway their fans.  They believe in their own perceived magnificence.  But not one of them has to worry about paying his rent, mortgage, or grocery bills.  Not one. 

One might think that the billionaires would be smart enough to support Trump, but no — a gang of them are in Kamala’s corner or pretend to be.  Much of their wealth depends on their power to affect, if not control, the economy.  They do this with money, vast sums of it placed in the right pockets, and they get the legislation they want.  Mark Cuban, Laurene Jobs, Michael Bloomberg, John Pritzker, Sheryl Sandberg, Steven Spielberg, Reed Hastings, Bill Gates, and his ex Melinda.  Even Jamie Dimon has professed to support Harris.

Every one of these people knows that Harris is almost hilariously but disastrously unqualified.  But she would be their puppet, their tool, their ticket to continued power over the powers that be.  Trump is not their friend. He actually does care about the middle and working classes, the people who have suffered so much since Biden and Harris took office.  He is the real deal, an actual populist.  These moneymen care about their own prosperity and the opulent lives they take for granted.  Their support for Harris tells us everything we need to know about each and every one of them.  They do not care about the well-being of the American people. 

Trump, despite his own wealth, is somehow, miraculously, a man of the people.  He likes them and is comfortable with them.  All those famous folks named above would not be caught dead with the folks who get drive-thru at McDonald’s.  But Trump’s supporters recognize his authenticity.  He does not alter his accent or speaking style for various audiences the way Harris, Obama, and Hillary do.  He answers every question he is asked, no matter who is doing the asking, and is happy to explain his policies in detail even if he knows it is not what the questioner wants to hear.  He won’t favor his big-moneyed friends over the rest of us.  That is how he governed the four years he was in office despite the vicious lawfare perpetrated against him.

Trump will undoubtedly be more careful about whom he hires if he takes office again.  Traitors and liars like John Kelly, Bill Barr, Gen. Mark Milley, John Bolton, Gina Haspel, etc., will not have positions in the next Trump administration.  Many of them should be charged with treason but probably won’t be.  They are all so self-important.  They fear Trump doing to them what they have done to him.  Joe and Mika think they are important enough to be scooped up by Trump lawfare.  How funny is that?

Bottom line?  Most of the rappers, the actors, the zillionaires, and the denizens of the Deep State who want Trump dead are wholly insignificant in the grand scheme of things.  They think they are important, but they are not.  Let them all fade away, never to be heard from again.  Let the actors act, the rappers rap, the singers sing, the money men enjoy their money, and let Trump try to make America great again, because the Biden/Harris regime has nearly destroyed us.

George Carlin said, ”If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you’re going to get selfish, ignorant leaders.”  He was more right than he may have known, thanks to celebrities who sell their souls for not only fame and fortune but also for political favors. 

Image: Eva Rinaldi via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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