Harris-Walz yard signs and bumper stickers: Are we safe?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel safe when I see a “Harris-Walz” yard sign or bumper sticker.

When first I thought of composing that sentence, I considered it sarcasm, a mockery of the preposterously ridiculous claims of various leftist snowflakes upon being confronted with a “MAGA” hat, Trump supporter, American flag, traditional values, the truth … or anything else whatsoever that doesn’t completely comport with their bizarre and tragically skewed world view.

Soon thereafter, however, I realized that it was, in fact, true.

I don’t mean that I actually fear for my bodily safety upon seeing such accoutrement, even though a great many of the Biden-Harris/Democrat policies have led to a much more violent and dangerous society. But I do fear — truly, deeply and mightily — that a Harris-Walz administration would lead to even more unrest, division, and violence afflicting the country than is occurring now. And to even worse inflation and a still shakier economy.

And to an even more dangerous world, one with even more conflict breaking out all over, possibly triggering World War III or its equivalent.

I fear the elimination of the filibuster and the packing of the court.

And I fear the effective repeal of the First and Second Amendments, without which none of the rest of the amendments comprising the Bill of Rights can be salvaged — or even matter. No one has ever been secure in their person or property without the right to free speech, religion, and assembly … and the right to defend themselves and their loved ones.

And I fear the day has already arrived when totalitarian wannabes like Harris and Walz (who is a big fan of China) use any and all means necessary to discredit, cancel, or eliminate their political opponents—to preserve our democracy! (Translation: “to strip power from the rubes, morons, and deplorables who disagree with us, and enhance and enshrine our now unopposed and unbridled power until the sun expires.”)

Image: Screen shot from KSHB 41 video, via YouTube

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