Harris/Biden and putting America first

Among the many reasons Donald Trump may well be the 47th president is he demonstrably puts America—and Americans—first. That should go without saying. That should be the guiding principle of all American public servants, beginning with the President, down to the local mailman, but circa October, 2024, that’s not at all the case, as Speaker of the House Mike Johnson explains:

“Just do “Remain in Mexico” again,'” Johnson, 52, recounted his entreaties to the president. “I begged Biden myself, personally, to do that. And he said he wouldn’t.”

“It’s complicated,'” Biden responded flatly, in Johnson’s retelling. “‘Mexico doesn’t want that.'”

“Mexico doesn’t want that”?!  “It’s complicated”?!” Is Joe Biden the president of Mexico? He’s obligated to look out for Mexico’s interests, the interests of a failed state run by drug and child sex traffickers? Johnson’s priorities were right:

“I said, ‘You can make it less complicated — you just show some leadership,'” the speaker went on. “‘With all due respect, sir, you’re the president of the United States. It doesn’t matter what Mexico wants. You tell them.'”

But it made no difference to Joe Biden—actually, his handlers:

“Things have changed,'” was all Biden said when Johnson asked him to tighten border policy.

“Yeah, they’ve changed, all right — I mean, by my count, I think we’ve got more than 16 million illegal aliens in the country in the last four years, and we’re going to be dealing with this for the rest of our lives,” the speaker said of the fateful move.

There is more at the link, but let’s take a moment to reflect on how far America has fallen in such a short time. Under Donald Trump, Mexico immediately saw the light and not only provided tens of thousands of troops to police the southern border, but participated in the “Remain in Mexico” policy. The Mexicans surely didn’t do it willingly. They didn’t do it because it was good for Mexico. They did it because they knew Donald Trump would not only crash their economy, he’d probably use our military to crush the cartels and throw Mexico into chaos--or democracy. They knew he put American interests first and was willing to back that fundamental principle with economic and military force.

For the last four years America has been “our democracy,” a budding tyranny of the majority, not the republic our Constitution provides. We’ve had a President in name only, a man in the throes of dementia, a meat puppet manipulated by Marxist useful idiots who manifestly don’t look out for America’s interests, who damage our allies, leak their plans to destroy our common enemies and finance and support those enemies as they slaughter our allies, our citizens and take them hostage. We have no real idea who has been running the country during the Harris/Biden years.  Barack Obama? George Soros? A cabal of America’s enemies? Yes, Obama and Soros are America’s enemies, but I trust you take the point. If our enemies have been running the country, how would we tell the difference? What would Harris/Biden have done differently, apart from using our military and federal law enforcement to “pacify” the red states?

Graphic: X Screenshot

Does Kamala Harris share Biden’s sentiments? Biden has told us she was in on every major decision. Harris has said the same, and repeatedly said she wouldn’t change a thing, though she did add she’s not Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Who knew? We can take her at her word at this if nothing else.

There was a time when Speaker Johnson’s recitation of his urging of Joe Biden to do his job would have been thought parody, or an outright, unthinkable lie. What POTUS would think such things, let alone say them? Now, it’s reasonable to believe most Democrats/socialists/communists think the same. That Americans have no difficulty believing Johnson is entirely truthful and Biden surely believes and said that tells us all we need to know about how to vote on November 5, and the weeks that will likely follow…that is if we want to keep our republic, as Benjamin Franklin worried we would not.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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