Every conservative vote is critical

Going about my daily farm chores, I listen to podcasts. There are so many great ones out there, but I always make time for Victor Davis Hanson.

A few days ago, he wondered out loud why Trump was holding rallies in blue states because he wasn’t going to win them. Dr. Hanson put forward a number of reasons.

One reason is that Trump embarrasses Harris and Biden by appearing in trouble spots where neither has stepped foot. He shamed them in Aurora, Colorado, for abandoning not just their people but the American people as a whole to a deadly illegal migrant crisis of their administration’s making.

Another reason he visits unwinnable locales might be as a favor to the donor class who are giving to the national cause. His appearances can also have a beneficial effect for conservative congressional or state/local candidates.

Image by AI.

I think it’s more than this. Donald Trump wants a big win in the popular vote. So big, so yuuuge, that the massive election fraud the Democrats are currently perpetrating can only fail. And he wants that win as a testament to the true conservative heart of America.

In 2016, according to the “official results” (Wikipedia), Trump won with 304 electoral votes but only 46.1% of the popular vote. Clinton received 227 electoral votes with 48.2% of the popular vote.

In 2020 (again, per Wikipedia), Trump lost with 232 electoral votes and 46.8% of the popular vote. Biden carried the election season with 306 electoral votes and 51.3% of the popular vote.

Trump lost despite having garnered 18% (11 million) more votes than in 2016. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, all of which went to Trump in 2016, went to Biden in 2020. We all know how that happened.

Before 2020, Arizona had been reliably red for 20 years. Same with Georgia. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin turned red in 2016. They should have stayed red in 2020 when Trump increased his number of voters across the country.

If Trump can prove America to be broadly conservative, he will also squash the life out of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (“NPVIC”), a 2006 initiative designed to eliminate the Electoral College without the trouble of amending the Constitution.

So far, 17 states with 209 electoral votes have signed on to the NPVIC. It’s under consideration in 4 states with a total of 50 electoral votes. They agree that, should there be 270 electoral votes among compact members, then those states will throw their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote, regardless of the votes within those states. This denies the people their voice and flies in the face of our renowned individual determinism. NPVIC must be stopped.

As a Washington state resident since my youth, I admit that once Washington took a turn toward the blue, I skipped a couple of election cycles and didn’t bother to vote. At the end of the day, I knew my vote wouldn’t matter in the presidential election. Once I became a property owner and saw the direct impact voting in local elections had on my retained income, that changed. With the advent of the NPVIC, I’ll never not vote again.

Every conservative vote matters, especially this year. The silent majority has woken up to the devastation that a lefty government brings to the economy, world stability, and civil society as well as to their pantries and pocketbooks, their neighborhoods, and their children’s schools.

Many folks feel that their votes won’t matter. Their state is too blue, so why bother? Their state is already red, so what difference will it make? A critical difference. Get out and vote. Gather others to vote. Harvest votes if that’s allowed in your state.

It will make all the difference in the world.

Anony Mee is the nom de blog of a retired public servant who X-tweets at oh_yeahMee.

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