Democrats fund Iranian terrorism—here’s their rap sheet

Lebanon is run by terrorists, supported almost 100% by Iran, who have escalated their attacks on Israel for over a year, and now Israel has finally decided to retaliate and take out the terrorists. And as soon as Israel does its job, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris dispatch $157 million in immediate aid, without asking Congress. From Nick Arama at RedState:

The U.S. is at the forefront of humanitarian response to the growing crisis in Lebanon, announcing nearly $157 million in assistance today. We are committed to supporting those in need and delivering essential aid to displaced civilians, refugees and the communities hosting them.

Why don’t we see nations from the Mideast and Europe at the forefront instead of America? Especially considering the fact that we’re running a $2 trillion deficit and Americans are suffering from storms, inflation, and open borders.

For years, Democrats like Barack Obama, Biden, and Harris have given huge amounts of money to Iran and terrorists without going through Congress. The Hill reported this:

The cash payment authorized by Obama is one of the most disgraceful and shameful ‘negotiations’ in the history of our nation. It was a payment the Obama White House first denied, then ignored and then grudgingly acknowledged.

We paid in cash, but not U.S. currency. Wary of using U.S. bills for a variety of reasons involving concealment, the Obama White House had the money converted to untraceable Euros, Swiss francs, and other foreign currencies. More troubling than those initial denials and deceptions was the fact that $400 million of that all-cash payment was used to pay a ransom to the government of Iran for the release of four American prisoners, in violation of standing U.S. policy.

Obama dictatorially ordered the Justice Department to let Hezbollah off the hook on a billion-dollar-per-year drug-running scheme to appease Iran. Obama endangered Israel and America, all to please Iran, a nation which pledges death to America and death to Israel.

Biden-Harris paid a $6 billion ransom to Iran for hostages… without congressional approval.

This year, after Israel was attacked, Biden-Harris lifted sanctions against Iran worth $10 billion… without congressional approval.

Biden signed executive orders blocking the Keystone pipeline and drilling on federal lands… without congressional approval. Biden and Harris publicly declared war on gas, oil, and coal, which caused a rapid increase in energy prices and inflation. This greatly helps Iran and Russia fund wars and terrorism, as they fill the market void with their resources.

I have a simple question—Biden and Harris say Iran can’t be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon, yet when Biden met with Benjamin Netanyahu the other day and was asked if Israel should take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, he says no. Why? If he actually wants to prevent Iran from having the weapons, then why?!

Iran flag, dirty.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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