Compounding economic problems, and now a port strike

We are seeing the disastrous results of the Biden-Harris administration on many fronts—the problems compound—and now it’s visible at the ports.

Highly paid port workers, who earn between $100,000 to $300,000 per year, are demanding a 77% raise, or over 12% per year. They turned down a 50% offer.

Whatever they get will affect all of us. Here’s the story, from RedState:

With Midnight Strike Looming, Unions, U.S. Ports See Movement’ in Talks

In particular, the union is calling for a 77 percent pay increase spread over six years to help workers cope with rising inflation.

When Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo was asked about how the potential strike would affect prices and supplies throughout the nation, she said she hadn’t really thought about it:

It seems that none of Joe Biden’s cabinet members pay attention to much other than maintaining power; Raimondo is too busy campaigning for Kamala Harris and saying President Trump is dangerous to worry about something like a labor strike with a catastrophic ripple effect.

Boeing workers are still on strike as well, and want 40% raises over three years; they turned down 25% over four. Transportation affects us all, but Boeing even more so because the company also has lucrative government contracts, paid for by taxpayer dollars and debt.

Chicago teachers don’t actually yield positive results, but they’re asking for a 9% raise per year anyway. Of course Democrats block poor children from having school choice.

In California, the Democrats mandated huge raises to certain fast food workers, up to $20 per hour; with mandatory benefits, the pay is probably well over $25 per hour. Everyone is hit with this inflationary policy, especially the poor and middle classes, people about whom the Democrats only pretend to care.

Democrats continue to demand more bureaucrats in DC. There are never enough. They want 87,000 more IRS agents to hound us, and these agents make a lot more than the average American worker:

The estimated total pay range for a Internal Revenue Agent at IRS is $75K–$116K per year, which includes base salary and additional pay. The average Internal Revenue Agent base salary at IRS is $89K per year. 

Many of the wealthiest counties in the U.S. are around D.C., where nothing is actually produced except debt.

The Consumer Finance Performance Bureau, the brainchild of multi-millionaire Elizabeth Warren, who claims to care about the poor, is essentially an off-budget agency that is funded through the Federal Reserve.

They lecture banks about ATM fees, debit fees, and overdraft fees, but they treat themselves very well:

CFPB employees in the highest pay band, known internally as CN-90, saw their total pay jump to as high as $269,000 in 2024, up $9,500 from 2023. The next level, CN-82s including associate directors, had their pay max bumped up to $269,000 as well, a $14,000 hike over last year. And the next level down, CN-81, saw the top of their overall pay come in at $262,000, a $7,000 increase, according to the union communication.

Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve, which originally and falsely said inflation was transitory, now says it is under control at under 3%. There is no way that inflation is under 3% for the poor and middle classes.

The government uses their estimate for inflation to calculate the pay raise for Social Security and Disability, so program participants are only set to receive 2.5% for 2025.

The current average social security check is $1,909, so they will get a whopping $50 per month, or $600 per year, and the average disability check is $1,538, so they will get around $40 per month. All of these people struggling to survive will only fall further behind.

The Biden-Harris administration inherited a rapidly growing economy, yet passed a $1.9 trillion “rescue plan” spending bill with big handouts. They opened the borders, issued regulations as fast as they could, and sought to destroy the oil industry; their energy policies caused a rapid (and significant) price surge, and energy affects everything.

They took inflation, which was low throughout the worst year of COVID at 1.4%, and multiplied it several times to over 9%. It greatly destroyed the purchasing power of Americans, especially the poor and middle classes.

Inflation is a massive tax on everyone, and it was clearly caused by the Biden-Harris administration; yet somehow, most of the media is campaigning for more of the same. Higher taxes, more regulations, more government workers!

Stop pretending Democrats care about the poor and middle classes. Their policies and results show they don’t.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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