CNN fearmongers about Antarctica greening at an ‘alarming’ rate

A new “climate change” article from CNN, like all the continuous articles on the weather, storms, or warming, is meant to scare people into capitulating into completely changing their way of life. The media just regurgitates what they are told without asking questions or doing research, pushing the green agenda to confiscate more money and power for the government. Our freedom and prosperity are at risk because of this agenda.

Here are some excerpts from the article and comments:

Parts of icy Antarctica are turning green with plant life at an alarming rate as the region is gripped by extreme heat events, according to new research, sparking concerns about the changing landscape on this vast continent.

Scientists used satellite imagery and data to analyze vegetation levels on the Antarctic Peninsula, a long mountain chain that points north to the tip of South America, and which has been warming much faster than the global average.

They found plant life — mostly mosses — had increased in this harsh environment more than 10-fold over the past four decades, according to the study by scientists at the universities of Exeter and Hertfordshire in England, and the British Antarctic Survey, published Friday in the journal Nature Geoscience.

Plant life increased 10 fold over forty years. That sounds like a lot doesn’t it? But, in reality, it increased from .4 square miles to 5 square miles.

Vegetation covered less than 0.4 square miles of the Antarctic Peninsula in 1986 but had reached almost 5 square miles by 2021, the study found. The rate at which the region has been greening over nearly four decades has also been speeding up, accelerating by more than 30% between 2016 and 2021.

For reference, Antarctica is 5.5 million square miles and the Antarctic Peninsula is 202,000 square miles; in other words, five square miles is .00002% of the 202,000 total square miles. Be very afraid!

This summer, parts of the continent experienced a record-breaking heat wave with temperatures climbing up to 50 degrees Fahrenheit above normal from mid-July.

In March 2022, temperatures in some parts of the continent reached up to 70 degrees above normal, the most extreme temperature departures ever recorded in this part of the planet.

Yes, it was warm in Antarctica in 2022, which is all of the actual scientific data that this article had to offer. But, it was also extremely cold; April of that year saw an all time record low:

New 2022 world’s lowest temperature set on April 14 at the Vostok Station, Antarctica

A new 2022 world’s lowest temperature was set on April 14 at the Vostok Station (3 420 m / 11 220 feet) in Antarctica.

The temperature dropped to -76.8 °C (-106.2 °F), a rare temperature for mid-April, said climatologist Maximiliano Herrera.

Somehow though, the researchers and reporters also didn’t mention that in 2021, just one year before the 2022 figures cited for warming, Antarctica had the coldest six months on record; also reported by CNN:

Antarctica’s last 6 months were the coldest on record

In a year of extreme heat, Antarctica’s last six months were the coldest on record.

‘For the polar darkness period, from April through September, the average temperature was -60.9 degrees Celsius (-77.6 degrees Fahrenheit), a record for those months,’ the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) said.

After 160 years of an existential increase in our use of oil, coal, and natural gas and a rapid increase in CO2 and the human population, Antarctica hit record cold temperatures for six months.

If temperatures reach both record warmth and record cold, there is no way to show a direct correlation to anything, let alone to humans and our use of natural resources. Temperatures, storm activity, and sea levels have always fluctuated and always will. And, if there is no correlation, no one can claim causation. That is science! The science is not settled. We are being intentionally lied to every day by people who claim to care deeply about spreading misinformation.

It is a true shame that people posing as journalists will just repeat what they are told to push an agenda. They are willing to destroy tens of millions of jobs and to raise prices of everything to push a theory. They don’t care how many poor and middle class people they destroy.

Maybe someone could ask Kamala Harris and all the green pushers one simple question: Where is the scientific data that shows a link between temperatures and our use of crude oil? There is none, but we already know what her answer would be: I was raised in a middle class family and I really care about you.

It has always been a scam about money to say the science is settled. It is as factual as the lie about having to stay six feet apart to protect against COVID.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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