Caveat Emptor: Tim Walz and communist China

The Population Research Institute just released grave findings on Tim Walz’s connections to the Chinese communists:

Tiananmen Tim?

The more we learn about Walz’ ties to China, the more disturbing—even disqualifying—they are.

The author of the Walz exposé and on-the-ground Chinese Communist Party expert, Steven Mosher, introduces us to the Walz of the CCP thusly:

Why would the Department of Homeland Security be so concerned about Tim Walz’s China ties that his name repeatedly comes up not only in internal communications, but in classified documents?

According to Congressman James Comer, Chairman of the U.S. House’s Committee on Oversight, whistleblowers have revealed “serious concerns among DHS personnel regarding a longstanding connection between the Chinese Communist Party and Minnesota Governor Timothy James Walz.

I share those concerns.  It could not be more obvious to me, a China-hand of long standing, that Walz has been ‘captured’ by the CCP.

Mosher defines the CCP tactic of seduction and subsequent corruption of Americans—to align with the CCP—as “elite capture.”

“Elite capture” harks us back to the Moonies and their hideous destabilization and corruption of middle to upper class American youth in the 1970’s.

However, Walz was not a “youth” with the excuse of youthfulness, but a mature teacher of the youth when we took the bait from the CCP, as Mosher delineates. In Walz’s case, the author saw the beginnings of his CCP-designated capture at first hand:

Walz’s troubling dealings with Beijing began in 1989-1990, where he taught in a school not far from where I did my own research in China. By his own account, local Party officials treated him like a visiting dignitary, toasting him at banquets, showering him with gifts — all the while filling his head with fairy tales about the New China.

Mosher substantiates that Walz was highly susceptible to the CCP’s characteristic massaging and initially “soft” bribes, as he adopted its ideology, whole hog:

For years afterward, Walz would tell his students that ‘communism’ in China meant that ‘everyone is the same and everyone shares. The doctor and the construction worker make the same.’

So, here he is, Mr. Walz, American teacher, babbling already, communist nonsense in China, 35 years ago, nonsense that paid him well and arguably paid for his later gubernatorial success in Minnesota. We must ask ourselves, why was he chosen for the Democrats’ ticket?

Captured elites who are already in high positions, like Congressman Eric Swalwell, get very special treatment, with perhaps even a honeypot like Fang Fang thrown in for good measure.

No Fang Fang has emerged from Walz’ troubled dealings with Beijing, but it is clear that he was the beneficiary of a whole series of special favors from China, each of which seems to have been more lucrative than the last.

He was first on China’s payroll in 1989-90, where he taught English at Foshan No. 1 Middle School in the southern China city of the same name, not far from where I did my own groundbreaking research in China in 1980.

From 1989 to probably today, it is clear that the CCP was/is directly involved in Walz’s indoctrination to communism. Mosher himself experienced this process before he woke up to what he now deplores:

As in my case, the local Communist Party committee would have been charged with overseeing his [Walz’s] activities, as well as determining what the CCP calls his ‘political stance.’

By his own account, they treated him like a visiting dignity, toasting him at banquets, showering him with gifts—all the while filling his head with fairy tales about the New China.

From a NY Post opinion article earlier this month by the same author, we move further along in the Walz/CCP “elite capture” trajectory:

Having proven his reliability, Walz was ready for the next step in the ‘elite capture’ game:  a joint business venture with Beijing to bring over groups of young Americans to learn about the New China. 

As Walz tells it, a ‘friend’ who was ‘an official in China’s foreign ministry’ suggested the idea of setting up a travel agency, and offered to help fund it.

But it is not China’s foreign ministry that set up front organizations to increase China’s influence abroad, but rather the United Front Department of the CCP.

Tim disentangled from the “travel agency” in time for this election. Before voting for the next American vice president, we need to be clear on what, as well as who, we are taking on.  It is more than clear that, with Mr. Walz (contrary to his fake clowning around), the United States will inherit—by the agency of Walz’s own “career” decisions over a lifetime—a serious increase in the same proven corruption we have in Hunter and Joe Biden’s reigns.  CCP “elite capture” is not to be trifled with. Caveat emptor, America.

<p><em>Image: Tim Walz.  Credit: Lorie Shaull via <a  data-cke-saved-href=

Image: Lorie Shaull, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, unaltered.

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