Can Kamala Harris' pro-gun transformation be trusted?

Kamala Harris has recently, and repeatedly, told the American public she’s just like us. She worked at McDonalds. She did the fries, and sometimes the cash register, so obviously, we can trust her on the economy. Unsurprisingly, intensive media efforts, including contacting every McDonalds where she might have worked and the McDonalds corporation, haven’t produced any evidence she ever labored under the golden arches, nor has the Harris Campaign been able to produce even one person who might have worked with Harris. Her campaign, however, is laboring mightily to sweep the whole thing under the rug.

Graphic: 60 Minutes/Harris/X Screenshot

Harris, in her train wreck of a 60 Minutes interview, finally elaborated on her supposed gun ownership. Yes, that Kamala Harris, who fully respects the Second Amendment and is not going to take your guns—except those awful “assault weapons” and others to be specified after she’s elected—because she’s a gun owner, and gun owners don’t do that sort of thing. Harris owns a Glock! And she’s fired it too. That’s what gun owners do, cackle, cackle, cackle. Her background is law enforcement, you know, said no actual cop, ever.

Graphic: Kamala/X Screenshot

I doubt the media will run that one down, but as with her McDonald’s assertion, this one is equally unlikely. Glock owners don’t just say “I own a Glock.” They specify the model, which tells the informed the caliber and configuration of the handgun. All Glocks look alike, but they’re made in a variety of calibers, barrel lengths, and slightly different configurations. Why “I own a Glock,” and not “I own a Kimber” or some other make? “Glock,” which owns about 75% of the police and civilian markets, has become a generic term for all semiautomatic handguns, and her handlers probably told her to use that generic term if asked. The media, of course, doesn’t know enough to know that.

Fun fact: Glock model numbers have nothing to do with magazine capacity. The first Glock, the 17, was Glock’s seventeenth patent, the G43, its forty-third.

Why else shouldn’t Americans believe Harris about guns?

Only a limited number of handguns are available for sale in California, and only Generation 3 Glocks are allowed. Glock is now on its fifth generation. Did she buy a G3 Glock, which began in 1998? We’ll never know. We do know she’s always been an anti-liberty/gun cracktivist:

As VP, gun control czar Harris backed restricting gun access for law-abiding citizens via a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. When she ran for president for the first time in 2020, Harris pledged to use executive actions to curb AR-15 imports, mandate universal background checks, and ban semiautomatic rifles.

As San Francisco’s DA, Harris tried to ban all handguns. She:

 …sponsored a 2005 ballot measure that sought to strip law-abiding Californians of their Second Amendment rights. Under the proposition, which passed but faced immense legal scrutiny and eventual death in court, the gun-owning Americans Harris is trying to win over with her personal firearm rhetoric were prohibited from buying, selling, or owning handguns.

Two years later, pushing another ban, Harris arrogantly asserted she could routinely violate the Fourth Amendment. The police under her leadership could simply barge into people’s homes at will:

…to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.

Gun owner Kamala Harris also sided against the Second Amendment in Heller: 

In 2008, Harris signed onto an amicus brief in D.C. v. Heller which argued gun-toting individuals like her don’t have a right to defend themselves because “the Second Amendment applies only to federal legislation, not to legislation of the states or local governments” and “provides only a militia-related right to bear arms.”

She lost that one to—curses! That annoying Constitution and Supreme Court foiled her again--and scolded the Supreme Court:

Graphic: X Screesnhot

Normal, sane Americans might be excused for thinking a woman who has been an ardent anti-liberty/gun cracktivist her entire political life, until late 2024 when a coup miraculously anointed her the Democrat candidate for President, might not be entirely honest in her “I’m a gun owner and won’t take your guns” election year awakening. 

What are the odds a woman who actually wrote an amicus brief—I mean, who doesn’t write Supreme Court amicus briefs?--in Heller opposing the very idea the Second Amendment acknowledges the individual right to keep and bear arms, a woman who got fussy about the Supreme Court ruling otherwise, has suddenly had a miraculous transformation of her life-long convictions?

But anything’s possible! No, it’s not. I’m never going to transmogrify into a large-breasted starlet, and Kamala Harris is never going to become a supporter of American’s Second Amendment rights.

In other words, she’s lying about this too. Surprise.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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