Bongino: White House cocaine coverup

One would hope the Secret Service would be nobly, selflessly protective about those they protect. They’re trained to take a bullet for them, to give their lives that they might live. As the Bible says in John 15:13: “Greater love hath no one than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends.” Their willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice is weakly rewarded by a government salary and the prestige of being part of the most elite protective agency on the planet, the ultimate expression of which is the presidential detail.

We need such men and women, people willing and able to sacrifice for the greater good, people all can look upon with wonder and appreciation.

Sadly, and dangerously for the republic, the Secret Service (SS) no longer meets those noble aspirations. Within two months, Donald Trump escaped two assassination attempts by the narrowest of margins. To be sure, his close protection detail interposed themselves between Trump and bullets, but only after he’d already been shot and after two bystanders were seriously wounded and another killed.

Acting SS Director Ronald Rowe, while admitting failure, has, after the most recent attempt on Trump’s life, proclaimed the SS’s methodology sound and effective. Certainly, in coverups, and now we’re discovering, thanks to former SS agent Dan Bongino, that methodology was applied to covering for who was responsible for the cocaine found in the White House:

Graphic: saveUSA kitty, X Screenshot

A breaking story involving a cocaine scandal within the Secret Service has been revealed by Dan Bongino on The Dan Bongino Show.

Citing a “deep inside” source within the Secret Service, Bongino reported that the Biden-Harris White House allegedly pressured the Secret Service to suppress evidence related to a cocaine bag found in the White House, with promotions being used to silence individuals aware of the situation.

As one might imagine, the White House is pressuring the SS to destroy the evidence and all information relating to the cocaine's owner, who apparently is known. Who might that be? According to Bongino, someone in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) or within the Biden Crime Family. As one might also imagine, government panic has increased as the chance of Donald Trump being reelected increases. This time around, he might make that kind of information public, which would badly shred Biden’s fast-failing legacy.

The report, based on Bongino’s source, also suggested that the cocaine baggie contains crucial evidence that could implicate someone, though Bongino cautioned viewers not to immediately assume Hunter Biden’s involvement. “Apparently that cocaine baggie has identifying evidence which would implicate someone… and I wouldn’t automatically jump to Hunter Biden either.”

Bongino described the pressure on Secret Service leadership to “destroy the cocaine evidence” as significant, with Ron Rowe, the acting director of the Secret Service, and former Director Kim Cheadle, allegedly involved in the efforts to cover up the evidence.

It will surprise no one to learn DHS Director Alejandro Mayorkas is allegedly pushing this illegal coverup. After all, when you’ve serially refused to enforce and violated American immigration law, and when you’ve committed serial perjury, what’s a little destruction of evidence for the greater glory of the Biden Crime Family? Willingness to give one’s life for another is one thing, but willingness to destroy evidence is something else, something all too common in this Harris/Biden era of a corrupted, weaponized, two-tiered system of justice.

The pattern was reinforced in 2016 with the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story, and the suppression of all knowledge of the crimes of the Bidens, which had been known for much longer. Was there one man or woman, one elected or appointed government official willing and able to stand for justice, integrity and the principles of the republic?  Obviously not, and once the line between honesty and public service and self-service and graft has been crossed, it’s all too easy to justify each, deeper and more destructive, subsequent step.

Those next steps have included trying to bankrupt and imprison a political opponent and his family, and even trying to assassinate him, a work still in progress. To be sure there are whistleblowers, but as soon as they’ve surfaced, the Harris/Biden government races not to clean up its act to preserve the republic and western civilization, but to identify and destroy them, to maintain the descent into corrupt madness.

That is the ultimate danger of a Harris/Walz administration. Starting from deep in the well of corruption, how much lower will they go? The answer: as low as necessary to destroy the republic and replace it with “our democracy.” As the venerable saying goes, you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. He is a published author and blogger. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 

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