Bitter Joe is undercutting Kamala

At his last presidential debate, President Trump amused millions by letting the cat out of the bag about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris:

"I'll give you a little secret. He hates her. He can't stand her."

Which is what we appear to be seeing now.

Nine weeks have passed since Biden was unceremoniously ousted from the Democrat presidential ticket, and in one incident after another, he's subtly and not-so-subtly undercutting her. He's contradicting her. He's upstaging her. He's making her look stupid.

Some recent examples:



When she zigged, he zagged.



So when she had her grand moment among her intellectual equals, he cut in.

There are reports like these out there



Yet he insisted on tying her to his record, even as she has been trying to skedaddle from it.

It's almost as if he wants to provoke a fight, but he knows that isn't going to happen. She was recently heard saying that yes, she and Biden were the same, almost as if she knew she needed to cling to him.

Maybe because that's because of this oddity:



With the press turning on her, she's got no place to go but Joe, given that she hasn't done anything but Instagram and fire staff over the last four years.

At the same time, Joe can see that going on, and being an angry, vindictive, me-first type man, bitter that no one is paying attention to him, and spewing hate at everyone in private -- Trump, Obama -- so it's not surprising he's trying to take Kamala down, too. He knows he's a fraud and he knows she's an even bigger fraud. He's angry at what got taken away from him, and he's angry that everyone knows why. There is nothing he can do about it but try to take her down, the better to show that he's not the only Democrat failure out there. She's going down with his ship, too.


Image: Twitter video screen shot

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