Bill Maher's awesome pushback against anti-Israel star Chappell Roan

Unless you’re a Gen Z-er (or Gen adjacent), you’ve probably never heard of Chappell Roan. However, younger people know who she is and may be swayed by her sexual values (sordid, demeaning, and degrading) or her support for the so-called “Palestinians” (deeply uninformed to the point of being antisemitically genocidal). Bill Maher, however, knows who she is and has stepped in with one of the best defenses of Israel—and attacks against radical Islam—that you’ll find on any mainstream outlets.

So, who is Chappell Roan?

She’s a 26-year-old woman from Missouri whose real name is Kayleigh Rose Amstutz. She claims to have come from and is rebelling against a conservative Midwestern background. As for that rebellion, it’s probably not a coincidence that her professional first name—Chappell—is her uncle Darin Chappell’s last name. He, in turn, is a Republican member of Missouri’s House of Representatives.

Image: Chappell Roan. YouTube screen grab.

Amstuz’s entire shtick is that she’s a lesbian embracing a drag queen vibe. Her songs are frankly pornographic. I’m not kidding. Check out “P***y Hole!” and “Casual.” Her lyrics are like reading a letter to the Penthouse Forum.

Whether because of or despite her lewdness, Amstutz is hugely popular right now. She’s helped by having a pretty voice, and her generic melodies are catchy.

Given her popularity, her views about things probably matter to young people. Sexually, that hurts each of them. On a larger scale, when those views are massively anti-Israel, that matters a lot to the world.

On the six-month anniversary of the October 7 attack on Israel—which saw 1,200 people murdered, with the women subject to heinously sadistic sexual abuse as part of their murders, and over 250 more kidnapped—Amstutz had her own way of celebrating:

“We are taking donations at the merch table,” Roan wrote in an Instagram story caption. “Drop off Chappell/LGBTQ+ themed friendship bracelets. We resell them and 100% goes to the charity below:” 


Mercy-USA is currently raising emergency funds for relief in Gaza, as well as promoting a monthly, trifold campaign to benefit families in Gaza, Yemen, and Syria on the brink of famine. 

That was not an isolated event. In September, as we neared the one-year anniversary of the massacre, Amstutz was again raising money for Gaza, which really means raising money for Hamas. She even plan to bring her pro-Hamas activism to the White House:

(It tells you a lot about the degradation of the White House under Democrat aegis that this musical pornographer was invited in the first place.)

Just a few days later, Amstutz took to her TikTok page to explain that she hates Trump and will vote for Kamala but that she also hates the Democrats because they support “genocide”—an obvious reference to Israel’s war against Hamas and Hezbollah. It should be noted that Israel has conducted this defensive with the lowest civilian casualty rate in the history of urban warfare. This is extraordinary, considering that both Hamas and Hezbollah deliberately integrate their entire military infrastructure into civilian enclaves.

To his credit, Bill Maher decided that Amstutz, who claims to be open-minded, needed to have that open mind educated:

Here are a few of the gems from his riff:

  • He acknowledges that Amstutz’s ignorance is not entirely her fault because “You live in the United States, where the schools stopped doing that whole teaching facts thing a while ago.”

  • He says that part of the problem with American young people’s ignorance is that they learn from “TikTok, which is a Chinese company whose totalitarian government would just love to have America's youth hating America.”

  • He castigates Amstutz and others for being unmoved by the Jewish dead on October 7, even as they weep for the dead in Gaza.

  • He attributes this cold-heartedness to TikTok propaganda, which insists that Jews are “colonizers.”

  • He offers a great distinction between actual colonizers—“intruders who have no history in an area”—and the Jews in Israel, which is the “Jews’ homeland, and Jews have always lived there.” Despite some ritual leftist insults to the Bible, he explains that archeology bears out Biblical history, including the second temple that long predates Islam.

  • He explains that no one wanted the land called Israel and that there was never an Arab nation called “Palestine.”

  • He says that WWII nearly wiped out the Jews in an actual genocide, which is why Jews decided that “it was time for their historic homeland to be an actual country so that, for once, they could defend themselves.”

  • He reminds everyone that the UN agreed with the Jews and that it was the Arabs who insisted on a new Jewish genocide.

  • He tells Amstutz that if she thinks the Midwest was repressive, “try the Mideast,” reminding her that her song lyrics would get her flown off a roof in Gaza.

And then Maher explains the reality of life in the Muslim world:

Chappell, you're not wrong that oppression is bad, or that Palestinian and many other Muslim populations are oppressed and deserve to be freed. 

You just have it completely asked backwards as to who is doing the oppressing. Hamas is a terrorist mafia that took over Gaza. The Revolutionary Guard is a terrorist mafia that took over Iran. Isis is a terrorist mafia that took over Iraq. The Taliban is a terrorist mafia that took over Afghanistan. 

These are the oppressors. And when you make it all about Israel, you take the pressure off of them. You enable them. 

The Iranian regime has killed 600 protesters after a 22-year-old woman died in police custody following her arrest for the crime of wearing her head covering incorrectly. Just to be clear, that’s your team. 

Iran is who sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah. Are you sure this is who you want to throw down with? 

Bill Maher can be wrong about a lot of things, but when he’s right, he’s not only right, but he tends to explain things in terms that are accessible to people like Amstutz—namely, those who think TikTok is the truth.


The latest Takeaways video/podcast

(Since the podcast doesn’t yet have a home on the site, I’m appending info to my posts.)

This video/podcast discusses the chains the Deep State has on its employees as viewed through a Secret Service lens, Donald Trump’s brilliant tax idea, yet another big lie about illegal immigration, lessons from a Trump rally, the positive trend that election polling is showing, and the war Israel faces.

Here’s the Rumble link if the video (below) won’t load.

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You can also find the podcast on Apple.

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