AOC melts down over Trump

It is scientifically proven that humans cannot survive without oxygen. However, some humans not only need oxygen but also publicity for survival.

An instance of such an individual is Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York) aka AOC, the social media influencer masquerading as a public servant. 

Every so often, Ocasio-Cortez either makes utterly preposterous claims or engages in ridiculous PR stunts. Her actions often earn her derision and ridicule from her detractors.

But despite that, these gimmicks have worked for her.  

There are 535 Members in the U.S. Congress, and most of these representatives remain relatively unknown despite serving for many terms. But Ocasio-Cortez, despite only being in her third term in Congress as an elected representative, is known nationally. In politics, being well-known is essential to rise up in the hierarchy.

But after almost five years in politics, the media and the public have become immune to her utterances and stunts. She no longer receives the publicity (both good and bad) that she previously used to.

Hence, in an attempt to draw attention, Ocasio-Cortez injected herself into the Presidential race.

During an event in Philadelphia to rally young voters to support Kamala Harris's flailing campaign, AOC mocked President Trump over his campaign event at a McDonald's outlet in the state.

“We know that man has never punched a clock in his life. He’s never wiped down a table in his life. He’s never had to fix his own car. He’s never struggled to make ends meet. He does not know what it means to check your paycheck every week and see what you have left. He doesn’t know the first thing about that,” she remarked about President Trump.

Ocasio-Cortez seems to be upset about a PR event.

Time to refresh our memory about her own PR events.

In 2019, she posted pictures of herself at Migrant Child Tent City. She managed to muster tears and appear distressed, but her bright red lipstick and her pristine white outfit revealed that it was a PR event. AOC then claimed it was a “protest.”

In 2022, she claimed that getting a manicure was a form of protest against the overturning of Roe v. Wade and misogyny.

In 2022, Ocasio-Cortez claimed to be arrested during a demonstration against the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She even walked with her arms behind her back and wrists close to one another to give the impression she was handcuffed.

It turned out she was merely detained briefly to a containment unit nearby since they were being a nuisance to the public.

Yet the same AOC who owes her political career to PR events is upset that another politician conducted a successful PR event. 

She thinks she is exposing Trump by telling people he has never done menial tasks or been dependent on a weekly check. But Trump is not pretending to be a McDonald's employee, he was using the fast-food restaurant as a platform to engage with voters in a fun way.

Trump has done this before at his luxury hotel.

Her next target was Elon Musk. Musk has pledged to donate $1 million to registered voters in battleground states who sign his America PAC petition that pledges support for the First and Second Amendments. The exercise will continue daily until voting day.

“We see Elon Musk coming in here. I mean, we gotta talk about what this guy’s doing,” Ocasio-Cortez told her audience. “He’s (Musk) not only just dumping millions and millions of dollars here in the state of Pennsylvania, acting like he’s from here, acting like he knows what Pennsylvania is about. It’s not just what he’s doing, he’s doing these little, I don’t know, these little contests where he’s promising people a million dollars in some kind of lottery giveaway if they sign up for his list.”

These remarks deserve to be unpacked. The very woke Ocasio-Cortez is attacking an African American for 'acting like he’s from here,' but had a Republican uttered such words, she would have branded the individual xenophobic.

But jokes apart, Musk is a U.S. citizen. He has the right to go anywhere he pleases and engage in the political process. 

Ocasio-Cortez claims to be a socialist. The main tenant of socialism is income redistribution. By donating $1 million, Elon Musk is redistributing his wealth and making millionaires from regular people.

As a socialist, she should have welcomed this.

Thanks to Elon Musk, individuals who are probably struggling financially due to the Harris-Biden administration's poor economic policies will have a million dollars in their accounts. 

Elon Musk could have transformed lives like no public servant has ever. The usage of 'could have transformed' is because people often lose their way upon sudden gain of considerable wealth.

Back to AOC.

She would rather impose heavy taxes on the likes of Musk and use the funds for gratuitous wars in faraway countries, the Green New Deal, and various initiatives that have no impact on the lives of citizens. 

Now that the funds end up directly in the accounts of regular citizens, she's upset.

Hypocrisy is her middle name. She has proved on many occasions that she doesn't believe in socialism. For Ocasio-Cortez, socialism is merely a virtue signal, so that she can feign compassion for regular citizens.

We refresh our memory for proof.

Socialist AOC had no time for the exploited NY Amazon workers attempting to unionize. She did not respond to multiple invites from union leaders.  Records show that she received $13,216 from Amazon from 2021 to 2022. 

Ocasio-Cortez is fiercely anti-gun and is for defunding the police. Yet she spends thousands on her security, including over $4,000 to an ex-Blackwater defense contractor. This is more proof that she has little concern about the safety or welfare of regular people.

Back in 2021, she attended the MET Gala where tickets are priced at $35,000 per head. Yards from where the NYPD was arresting a "defund the police" protestor, a cause she claims to be passionate about. Realizing that her appearance would expose her double standards, she claimed it was a protest and wore a dress with the words 'Tax the Rich" inscribed.   

So what do we have?

A socialist known for PR events attacking the implementation of a socialist idea and a PR event. 

Alas, Ocasio-Cortez's self-righteousness prevents her from comprehending this irony. 

So, what future does this seeming lightweight have in politics?

Ocasio-Cortez may seem ridiculous to fair-minded people, but it would be unwise to underestimate her.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or perhaps her handlers, understand what it takes to rise in the current Democrat party. She will continue to win elections in her district no matter what she does. Don't be too surprised if she becomes senator shortly. 

In the distant future, she may even run for President.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

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